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Document Title: [Air_Combat.txt (text file)]

Air Combat by Namco

Double row 60 pin connector.  I need to find the connector part number yet.

                                   A   B
                                     3 - GND Coin
                                     5 - GND Service/Test
                                     8 - Stick X Wiper
                    Stick Y Wiper -  9 - Thrust Wiper
                Stick Pot A/D Gnd - 10 - Thrust Pot A/D Gnd
                Stick Pot A/D Vcc - 11 - Thrust Pot A/D Vcc
                          Missile - 13 - Gun
                                    16 - Start
                                    17 - Coin
                             Test - 18 - Service
                     Coin Counter - 19
                       Start Lamp - 21
                 2/4 Chnl Amp Gnd - 23 - 4 Chnl Amp Gnd
                Speaker Back Left - 24 - Speaker Back Right
               Speaker Front Left - 25 - Speaker Front Right
                        Start Gnd - 26
                                    27 - Video Gnd
                   Composite Sync - 28 - Video Blue
                      Video Green - 29 - Video Red
                       +12 VDC In - 30 - +12 VDC Out (to lights)

Air Combat may use 2 different format Joysticks.  Limite range & full range.  My particular setup had a Happs joystick and a small signal Amplifier board (TL082C).  Ruben P also mentioned that there may be 2 different ROM set for the 2 types of Joysticks.

