Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [BluePrint.txt (text file)]

From: kmahan@raptor.USG.Sandy.Novell.COM (Kurt Mahan)
Subject: Blue Print Pinouts/Switch Settings
Date: 21 Apr 1995 16:24:44 GMT


        J1 (10 POS) :

           1 - GND
           2 - GND
           3 - GND
           4 - GND
           5 - KEY
           6 - +5
           7 - +5
           8 - +5
           9 - +5
          10 - +12
        J2 (20 POS) :

           1 - TEST
           2 - PLAYER 2 FAST
           3 - PLAYER 2 LEFT
           4 - PLAYER 2 RIGHT
           5 - PLAYER 2 UP
           6 - KEY
           7 - PLAYER 2 DOWN
           8 - PLAYER 2 SELECT
           9 - MOVE DOWN 
          10 - MOVE RIGHT
          11 - MOVE UP
          12 - MOVE LEFT
          13 - MOVE FAST
          14 - TILT
          15 - PLAYER 1 SELECT
          16 - COIN
          17 - -RESET (From Credit Bypass Bd)
          18 - COIN METER
          19 - SPKR +
          20 - SPKR -
        J3 (7 POS) :

           1 - (see in pin 2)
           2 - -CSYNC (Tie pins 1 and 2 together)
           3 - KEY
           4 - GREEN
           5 - RED
           6 - BLUE
           7 - GND

 * This version of Kurt Mahan is currently being evaluated.  Words he speaks
 * are those of him only and not those of Novell or anybody else.
 * Kurt Mahan
 * kurt_mahan@novell.com