Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [Mario_Bros.txt (text file)]

Mario Bros, Nintendo 

              PARTS      |      SOLDER
               GND   | 1 | A |   GND
               GND   | 2 | B |   GND
               +5V   | 3 | C |   +5V
               +5V   | 4 | D |   +5V
              +12V   | 5 | E |   +12V
               -5V   | 6 | F |   -5V
                     | 7 | G |   Coin
          2P.Start   | 8 | H |   1P.Start
          2P.Right   | 9 | I |   1P.Right
           2P.Left   |10 | J |   1P.Left
             2P.Up   |11 | K |   1P.Up
           2P.Down   |12 | L |   1P.Down
           2P.Jump   |13 | M |   1P.Jump
                     |14 | N |   
                     |15 | O |   Service
               GND   |16 | P |   GND
             Green   |17 | Q |   Red
              Sync   |18 | R |   Blue
           Speaker   |19 | S |   Audio
              +12V   |20 | T |   Counter
               GND   |21 | U |   GND
               GND   |22 | V |   GND
Dip sw.
--------          1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
 Player           -  -                        3
                  +  -                        4
                  -  +                        5
                  +  +                        6
 Bonus                  -  -                  10000
                        +  -                  15000
                        -  +                  20000
                        +  +                  25000
 Coins                        -  -  -         1Coin/1Play
                              -  +  -         1Coin/2Play
                              -  -  +         1Coin/3Play
                              -  +  +         1Coin/4Play
                              +  -  -         2Coin/1Play
                              +  +  -         3Coin/1Play
                              +  -  +         4Coin/1Play
                              +  +  +         5Coin/1Play
 Type                                  -      Table
                                       +      Upright
