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Document Title: [PlayChoice10.txt (text file)]

PlayChoice10 -- Horizontal  Sega, '86(?)

************************** PLAYCHOICE 10 PINOUTS **************************

Playchoice has two connectors on 
	 Solder Side		|	   Parts Side
	     GND	    | A | 1 |	       GND
	       (debug)	    | B | 2 |	   2P  Right
	       (debug)	    | C | 3 |	   2P  Left
	       (debug)	    | D | 4 |	   2P  Up
	       (debug)	    | E | 5 |	   2P  Down
	     +5V	    | F | 6 |	   2P  ButtonA
	     +5V	    | H | 7 |	   2P  ButtonB
	       (debug)	    | J | 8 |	   Button1/Channel Select
	       (debug)	    | K | 9 |	   Button3/Game Select
	       (debug)	    | L | 10|	   Button2/Channel Enter
	       (?)	    | M | 11|	   Button4/Game Start
	       (?)	    | N | 12|	   1P  Right
	       (?)	    | P | 13|	   1P  Left
	     +5V	    | R | 14|	   1P  Up
	       (?)	    | S | 15|	   1P  Down
	       (?)	    | T | 16|	   1P  ButtonA
	       (?)	    | U | 17|	   1P  ButtonB
	     GND	    | V | 18|	       GND

	 Solder Side		|	   Parts Side
	     GND	    | A | 1 |	       GND
	     GND	    | B | 2 |	       GND
	     +5V	    | C | 3 |	       +5V
	     +5V	    | D | 4 |	       +5V
	     +12V	    | E | 5 |	       +12V
			    | F | 6 |
			    | H | 7 |	   Coin Switch #1
			    | J | 8 |	   Coin Switch #2
			    | K | 9 |	   Video Red (inv)
			    | L | 10|	   Video Green (inv)
	     GND	    | M | 11|	       GND
			    | N | 12|	   Video Blue (inv)
			    | P | 13|	   Video Sync
			    | R | 14|
			    | S | 15|
	     -5V	    | T | 16|	       -5V
	       (?)	    | U | 17|		 (?)
			    | V | 18|
			    | W | 19|		 (?)
			    | X | 20|	   Audio (no amp)
	     GND	    | Y | 21|	       GND
	     GND	    | Z | 22|	       GND
    Note:    Connect Video Ground and Audio Ground to GND
	     Video color signals need to be inverted for regular Jamma
	     Audio signal needs to be amplified for regular Jamma
