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Document Title: [Super_Mario_Bros_(Nintendo_VS).txt (text file)]

Mario & Luigi in Mario Bros.     Pinout = NINTENDO VS
By Nintendo
(c) 1983

Option Switch Settings

Switch                   A      B      C      D      E      F      G      H
Men Per Game      3      OFF    OFF
                  4      ON     OFF
                  5      OFF    ON
                  6      ON     ON
Coins Per Credit  2/1                  ON     OFF
                  1/1                  OFF    OFF
                  1/2                  OFF    ON
                  1/3                  ON     ON
Extra Man At      20k                                OFF    OFF
                  30k                                ON     OFF
                  40k                                OFF    ON
             No Extra                                ON     ON
Difficulty     Easy 1                                              OFF    OFF		
                    2                                              OFF    ON
                    3                                              ON     OFF
               Hard 4                                              ON     ON


SWITCH 1 0R 2         1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
COINS FOR       1/1   -  -  -
CREDIT          1/2   -  -  +
                1/3   -  +  -
                2/1   -  +  +
                3/1   +  -  -
                4/1   +  -  +
                5/1   +  +  -
          FREE PLAY   +  +  +
LIVES           3              -
                2              +
EXTRA LIFE    100                 -  -
COINS         150                 -  +
              200                 +  -
              250                 +  +
TIMER        SLOW                       -
             FAST                       +
CONTINUE        4                          -
MODE LIVES      3                          +
