Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [pinout_help.txt (text file)]

Title           : Arcade Game Pinouts                                       :
Date            : 09-January-2003                                           :
Source          : taken from the Conversion FAQ v1.1                        :
                  by Doug Jefferys, Steve Ozdemir                           :
                  and pinout identification by Tim Lindquist                :
+---------.                                                                 :
1) Pinouts \                                                                :
1.1) JAMMA.                                                                 :
       The JAMMA standard was invented in 1985; any game older than         :
       this will not be JAMMA. JAMMA (Japan Arcade Machine Manufacturers'   :
       Association) is a standard 56-way connector used on many arcade      :
       boards to simplify conversion of cabinets from one game to another.  :
       The majority of newer games use a subset of this pinout. Some games  :
       (i.e., Street Fighter) which need extra buttons have extra           :
       connectors for these additional controls. The JAMMA connector has a  :
       .156" (3.96mm) pin spacing edge connector (male on the game board).  :
       For reference, here is the JAMMA pinout:                             :
       ---------------------------------------------------------            :
              Solder Side          |          Parts Side                    :
       ----------------------------+----------------------------            :
                      GND      | A | 1 |      GND                           :
                      GND      | B | 2 |      GND                           :
                      +5V      | C | 3 |      +5V                           :
                      +5V      | D | 4 |      +5V                           :
                      -5V      | E | 5 |      -5V                           :
                     +12V      | F | 6 |      +12V                          :
                  - KEY -      | H | 7 |      - KEY -                       :
          Coin Counter #2      | J | 8 |      Coin Counter #1               :
         Lock Out Coil #2      | K | 9 |      Lock Out Coil #1              :
              Speaker (-)      | L | 10|      Speaker (+)                   :
                               | M | 11|                                    :
              Video Green      | N | 12|      Video Red                     :
               Video Sync      | P | 13|      Video Blue                    :
           Service Switch      | R | 14|      Video GND                     :
              Tilt Switch      | S | 15|      Test Switch                   :
           Coin Switch #2      | T | 16|      Coin Switch #1                :
                2P  Start      | U | 17|      1P  Start                     :
                   2P  Up      | V | 18|      1P  Up                        :
                 2P  Down      | W | 19|      1P  Down                      :
                 2P  Left      | X | 20|      1P  Left                      :
                2P  Right      | Y | 21|      1P  Right                     :
             2P  Button 1      | Z | 22|      1P  Button 1                  :
             2P  Button 2      | a | 23|      1P  Button 2                  :
             2P  Button 3      | b | 24|      1P  Button 3                  :
                               | c | 25|                                    :
                               | d | 26|                                    :
                      GND      | e | 27|      GND                           :
                      GND      | f | 28|      GND                           :
      ----------------------------------------------------------            :
1.2) Konami.                                                                :
       We're also including the Konami standard pinout, as it was           :
       also used on many games by many different manufacturers.             :
       ------------------------------------------------------               :
           Solder Side          |          Parts Side                       :
       -------------------------+----------------------------               :
                   -5V      | A | 1 |      +12V                             :
               Speaker      | B | 2 |      Speaker                          :
          2P  Button 2      | C | 3 |      2P  Button 1                     :
              2P  Left      | D | 4 |      2P  Right                        :
             1P  Start      | E | 5 |      2P  Start                        :
          1P  Button 2      | F | 6 |      2P  Up                           :
          1P  Button 1      | H | 7 |      Service Switch                   :
             1P  Right      | J | 8 |      1P  Left                         :
                1P  Up      | K | 9 |      2P  Down                         :
             Coin  (1)      | L | 10|      Coin  (2)                        :
              1P  Down      | M | 11|      Coin Counter #1                  :
          1P  Button 3      | N | 12|      Coin Counter #2                  :
           Video Green      | P | 13|      Video Blue                       :
             Video Red      | R | 14|      Video Sync                       :
                            | S | 15|                                       :
                   GND      | T | 16|      GND                              :
                   GND      | U | 17|      GND                              :
                   +5V      | V | 18|      +5V                              :
       ------------------------------------------------------               :
+---------------------.                                                     :
2) Identifying pinouts \                                                    :
       Identifying pinouts of unknown boards can be difficult.              :
       We offer the following approach:                                     :
       1) Do you already have a copy of the game's pinout?  If so,          :
          you're done.  (Make sure you've got the *right* copy of           :
          the game's pinouts.  Moon Cresta, for instance, was made          :
          by at least four different manufacturers, three of whom           :
          used different pinouts...)                                        :
       2) Is the manufacturer shown?  If so, who are they, and do           :
          you have any copies of pinouts by the same manufacturer?          :
          If so, compare them; do they "make sense" if you try them         :
          against the method outlined in steps 4-8) below?                  :
       3) If it's a Japanese name, and a fairly new board, and it's         :
          got a 56-pin connector, it's probably JAMMA.  Still, it           :
          always pays to double-check before you plug something in          :
          based on your assumptions.  There *ARE* 56-pin connectors         :
          which aren't JAMMA, so the double-check is still important.       :
       4) Okay, now you're desperate :-)  Get a list of all the             :
          pinouts that you *DO* know.                                       :
       5) Eliminate any pinouts with connectors that don't match            :
          the board in question.                                            :
       6) Look at telltale markers, like the power pins; you should         :
          be able to identify +5V and GND fairly easily by tracing          :
          backwards from some TTL chips.  Using this, and the number        :
          of pins on the connector, should allow you to eliminate a         :
          few more pinouts.                                                 :
       7) With the few pinouts you have left, look for audio and video      :
          pins.  These are generally grouped together; two pins going       :
          to the same location (often a heat-sinked audio amplifier         :
          chip) will probably be audio, and four pins, three of which       :
          go to one chip and a fourth of which goes to a nearby chip,       :
          will likely be video.  Large groupings of pins that go            :
          through resistors and/or diodes will likely be control            :
          input pins.                                                       :
       8) *NOW* do you have a match?  If so, start "experimenting";         :
          make a few assumptions and try powering the board up              :
          without any video or controls connected and "experiment"          :
          by looking for fluctuating signals (characteristic of video       :
          or audio) on the pins.  This is a fairly involved process,        :
          but can be simplified greatly by use of a partially-              :
          constructed adaptor to your current wiring harness.               :
          (Indeed, this is one of the reasons adaptors are fairly           :
          popular; they often get created through the process of            :
          determining the pinout from an otherwise unknown board)           :
          Note that this can be something of a risky procedure if you       :
          don't know what you're doing.  For your first few times,          :
          you may want to do everything except powering up the board.       :
          Write down your best guesses, describe the board, and ask         :
          the 'net if anyone out there recognizes it and knows the          :
          pinouts.  You might just get lucky, and if your guesses           :
          were right, you'll give your self-confidence a great boost.       :
2.1) Determining pinouts with a volt meter (more ways to figure it out).    :
          We know where +5V and ground are because almost all EPROMs have   :
          +5V on the upper right pin (notch facing up) and ground on the    :
          lower left pin, so we use our volt meter on the ohms setting to   :
          find the pins on the edge connector with close to 0 resistance to :
          those pins on an EPROM. +5V and ground is enough to power 90% of  :
          the boards out there.                                             :
          We now need to find the video outputs. First, connect video       :
          ground to any ground and turn the power on. Then, take the        :
          composite sync wire and run it along the remaining pins until     :
          you get raster. It's safe to run it along any pins we like at     :
          this point because all we have hooked up right now is ground and  :
          +5V, both of which are safe to touch with the sync wire. Even     :
          with no colors hooked up, you can tell when you find sync because :
          you will get solid black raster, which is different from no       :
          raster. You will know. Next, we need some color. Green video is   :
          almost always right next to sync, so try touching the green video :
          wire to the pin left of or right of the sync. If you get a green  :
          picture, swell. Otherwise, keep touching pins until you get a     :
          green picture. Once you've found it, red and blue are sure to be  :
          near by. Usually red is on the opposite side of green and blue is :
          opposite sync. Try those first, if not, the layout is usually red,:
          green, blue all in a row, so try either side of the green video.  :
          Now we have power and video. If the picture colors look wrong     :
          (red skies and blue explosions), try swapping around the colors   :
          until things look right.                                          :
          Next we need to find the sound output. Sound amps almost always   :
          need +12V for power. Power traces are usually thicker than inputs :
          and video, so we need to look for a thick trace that goes over to :
          the audio amp section of the board. Speaker + and - are usually   :
          right next to the power. If the part number on the amp is         :
          readable, it's usually pretty easy to find the pinouts for the    :
          amp on the internet and double check your suspects that way.      :
          Next is inputs. This is pretty easy. Just take a wire, hold one   :
          end to ground and run the other end along the remaining pins,     :
          being carefull to avoid the power pins, until you get a credit.   :
          That will be either coin 1 or coin 2. Repeat until you get        :
          another credit on a different pin (which will be the other coin   :
          input or the service switch) or until the game starts. Make note  :
          whether it started a 1 or 2 player game so you'll know which it   :
          was. Power down and repeat to find the other start pin. Once a    :
          game is started, just repeat to find up, down, left, right, fire, :
          jump, or whatever else there is.                                  :
          Some boards need -5V to power audio or if the board has 4116 RAM  :
          chips, they need -5V, too. -5V is on pin 1 of of 4116's (upper    :
          left pin, notch facing up), so use your meter to find the -5V pin :
          on the edge connector.                                            :
          -5V is sometimes used for audio on some Konami games, but most    :
          Konami game pinouts are listed on www.spies.com/arcade, so go     :
          check there. =)  (section provided by tim@arcadecollecting.com)   :
2.2) Unused connectors.                                                     :
       If there are empty connectors on the board, don't panic. Some        :
       boards have "test connectors" that are unused during normal          :
       use.  If you don't know whether a certain board or board set         :
       is complete, ask the 'net if anyone knows "how many boards           :
       and connectors were used in XYZ".                                    :
+----------.                                                                :
3) Adaptors \                                                               :
3.1) Jammatization.                                                         :
       Adaptors are one of the easiest and cheapest approaches to           :
       doing conversions; this is why JAMMA cabinets are so popular         :
       among collectors, even among those of us who prefer "classic"        :
       games.  Large collectors will often accumulate a series of           :
       adaptors for their games, all of which convert to a standard         :
       pinout, usually JAMMA.  Although the process is the same as          :
       building any other type of adaptor, the "random-raster-game          :
       to JAMMA" conversion is so common that it has become known           :
       colloquially as "Jammatization".                                     :
3.2) Construction techniques.                                               :
       There are two main approaches to adaptor construction.  The          :
       "right" approach for you will depend on what set of parts you        :
       can most easily replace.                                             :
       Both approaches involve an XX-pin (female, and "XX" depends on       :
       the board in question) edge connector for the non-JAMMA board        :
       and a 56-pin "finger board" (a straight piece of PCB, also           :
       known as a "male-to-male" connector), and a 56-pin (female)          :
       edge connector for the JAMMA side.                                   :
       1) Skip the 56-pin connector and solder the wires directly           :
          from the XX-pin connector to the finger board.  The               :
          resulting finger board end of the adaptor can be plugged          :
          directly into your JAMMA harness.  You'll use one finger          :
          board per adaptor.                                                :
          The end result would look something like this:                    :
                  --------< <---------->~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~------<            :
          TO      --------< <---------->~~~~~'\/~~~~~~~~~------<  DIG       :
          JAMMA   --------< <---------->~~~~~~'\/~~~~~~~~------<  DUG       :
          WIRING  --------< <---------->~~~~~~~'`~~~~~~~~------<  PCB       :
          HARNESS --------< <---------->       /~~~~~~~~~------<            :
                  --------< <---------->~~~~~~'                             :
                   56-pin     male-male  Wires that map  44-pin             :
                   female     PCB with   JAMMA pinouts   female             :
                   edge       straight   to 44-pin Dig   edge               :
                   connector  traces     Dug pinout.     connector          :
       Alternatively...                                                     :
       2) Instead of soldering the wires to the finger board, solder        :
          the wires from the XX-pin connector to a 56-pin connector.        :
          Plug one end of the finger board into the 56-pin connector,       :
          and the other end into your JAMMA harness.                        :
          Rather than using a finger board for each adaptor, you're         :
          using one 56-pin connector per adaptor, as the finger board       :
          can be used between different adaptors.                           :
          The end result is reproduced here for quick reference.            :
               -------< <----------> >---------~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~------<      :
       TO      -------< <----------> >---------~~~~~'\/~~~~~~~~------< DIG  :
       JAMMA   -------< <----------> >---------~~~~~~'\/~~~~~~~------< DUG  :
       WIRING  -------< <----------> >---------~~~~~~~'`~~~~~~~------< PCB  :
       HARNESS -------< <----------> >---------       /~~~~~~~~------<      :
               -------< <----------> >---------~~~~~~'                      :
                56-pin    male-male   56-pin    Wires that map  44-pin      :
                female    PCB with    female    JAMMA pinouts   female      :
                edge      straight    edge      to 44-pin Dig   edge        :
                connector traces      connector Dug pinout.     connector   :
          Like we said right at the introduction, the "right"               :
          approach for you depends on your resources; this is a             :
          perfect example.  If you live near a surplus store that           :
          has 56-pin female edge connectors for $1.00 apiece, but           :
          you only have a few finger boards, grab a big pile of             :
          connectors go with method 2.  If it's easier to use               :
          mail-order, and finger boards are half the price of edge          :
          connectors, get a big pile of finger boards and go with           :
          method 1.                                                         :
+----------------------------------------.                                  :
4) RGB, Sync, polarity, and all that rot. \                                 :
4.1) The Basics.                                                            :
       Rick Schieve has written a text file on raster video basics;         :
       check out reference {9.3.6} (Raster Monitors) in the bibliography    :
       for more information, but we'll summarize the high points here.      :
       All raster monitors use generally the same set of inputs -           :
       RGB, and some form of sync.  RGB stands for "Red, Green, and         :
       Blue", and denotes the colors of the beams.  Sync is for             :
       "synchronization", the process by which the electron beam in         :
       a raster monitor sweeps across the screen.                           :
       (You may have heard the terms "horizontal", "vertical", and          :
       "composite" sync.  For now, just consider "horizontal" sync to       :
       be the sync pulse at the end of each line on the screen, the         :
       "vertical" sync to be the pulse at the end of each screenful         :
       of data, and "composite" sync to be a magical combination of         :
       both.  We'll get into the gory details soon enough :-)               :
       So far, so good, right?                                              :
       Wrong.  While all these signals are common to raster games,          :
       they come in different (and alas, incompatible) flavors.             :
       Working around these difficulties can be one of the more             :
       confusing problems for someone doing conversions.  That's            :
       where this FAQ comes in.  We'll try and describe the common          :
       variants, and give a few examples of games that use them.            :
       You should be able to extend the approach to other games.            :
4.2) RGB polarity.                                                           :
       While all raster monitors accept RGB inputs, they can have           :
       either positive or negative logic.  The majority of games use        :
       positive logic (when the voltage is on, the electron gun turns       :
       on, and you get a bright image), but Nintendo games use              :
       negative logic, which works the other way around.                    :
       RGB signals are analog signals; you'll need an analog inverter       :
       to get around the problem; a CMOS hex inverter (say, a 4069),        :
       which is designed to invert digital signals, won't work.  To         :
       be more precise, it theoretically *shouldn't* work, but on           :
       the practical side, a few people have tried it and actually          :
       managed to make it work.  Your mileage may vary.  One tip: if        :
       you try this, make sure you ground all of your unused inputs.        :
       Meanwhile, the "right way" is to use an analog inversion             :
       circuit for each of the three RGB signals.  It requires a            :
       +12V, -12V, and -5V supply, but some power supplies will             :
       supply all three voltages.  Thanks to Paul Kahler for the            :
       original schematic and document.                                     :
                                     R3                                     :
                              +-----/\/\/---------+                         :
                              |                   |                         :
                              |     |\   +-- +12V |                         :
                    R1        |     |  \ |        |                         :
       Input ------/\/\/------+-----|-   \        |                         :
                              |     |LM318 \______|_______ Output           :
       -5V --------/\/\/------+  +--|+    /                                 :
                    R2           |  |   /|                                  :
                                 |  | /  |                                  :
                                 |       +--  -12V                          :
                                 GND                                        :
       R1, R2, and R3 are all identical resistors.  A value of roughly      :
       10K should provide good results.  The LM318 is a high-frequency      :
       op-amp.  Its pinouts are as follows:                                 :
                         1 Comp/bal     8 Comp                              :
                         2 -in          7 V+                                :
                         3 +in          6 output                            :
                         4 V-           5 Comp/bal                          :
       The "Comp" pins may be ignored.  An LF356 might also work, but       :
       the 741 is not recommended.                                          :
4.3) Sync polarity.                                                         :
       Now that we can generate the RGB signals our monitor requires,       :
       we still have to put the signals on the screen in an orderly         :
       fashion.  The is what the "sync" signals are for.                    :
       Again, we run into the problem that some boards produce              :
       negative sync, and some don't.  Fortunately, since all sync          :
       signals are digital, the process is much simpler; using a            :
       *really* fast CMOS hex inverter is a perfectly legitimate way        :
       around the problem.  A TTL inverter should also work; all sync       :
       signals generally operate at TTL levels.  Still, this is dicey       :
       business, so your mileage may still vary.                            :
4.4) Composite versus Separate Sync.                                        :
       Now that you know how to invert syncs, you're ready for the          :
       last bit - the two flavors of syncs and how to mix and match         :
       them.                                                                :
       Older monitors often had separate sync inputs; one for               :
       horizontal sync (the retracing of the beam across the screen),       :
       and one for vertical sync (the return of the beam from the           :
       bottom of the screen to the top of the screen).                      :
       Newer games (but also many older ones) used monitors which           :
       accepted composite sync; the two signals were combined together      :
       on the board, and a bit of circuitry in the monitor determines       :
       whether a given sync pulse is a horizontal or vertical retrace.      :
       If you have an older game that outputs separate syncs, and           :
       a newer monitor that can only accept composite sync, you can         :
       combine the two using digital logic.  Simply "OR" the two            :
       signals together with a TTL chip to obtain the composite sync        :
       signal.                                                              :
       Since both composite and separate syncs can be positive or           :
       negative, it may be necessary to invert the composite sync           :
       signal after the ORing stage.  If this is the case, just             :
       use a NOR gate instead.                                              :
4.5) Sync shortcuts.                                                        :
       If you've got schematics for your games, take a closer look          :
       at them.  The game's wiring harness may show separate syncs,         :
       but the schematic itself may show that there are unused pins         :
       for composite sync.  All the old Williams games (Defender,           :
       Stargate, Joust, Robotron, etc...) are like this, as is              :
       Atari's Missile Command.                                             :
       A little schematic-browsing can make your life much easier.          :
       One last cheat -- if your monitor only supports separate             :
       sync, you may be able to get away with connecting a composite        :
       sync signal to either the horizontal input or to both inputs.        :
       No guarantees, but you might as well try it as a "first shot".       :
+------------.                                                              :
5) Inversion. \                                                             :
5.1) Smoke and mirrors.                                                     :
       Some games have mirrors in the cabinets which reflect the            :
       video output.  This is great, if you're playing Asteroids            :
       Deluxe in the original cabinet.  This sucks, however, if             :
       you're trying to put an Asteroids Deluxe boards in a                 :
       conventional Asteroids cabinet.  Most of these games have pins       :
       on their edge connectors for X- and Y-inversion; pulling these       :
       pins high (+5V) or low (GND) will invert the image in the            :
       appropriate axis.  Play around until you've got something            :
       that looks right on your screen.                                     :
5.2) Cocktails, anyone?                                                     :
       To further complicate things, some games have "cocktail" pins,       :
       which are pulled high or low depending on the wiring harness.        :
       On upright games, the signal on the "cocktail" pin tells the         :
       game *not* to invert the image when player 2 is up.  On              :
       cocktail machines, the signal tells the game *to* invert             :
       player 2's image.                                                    :
       Finally, and this is the *really* weird one, some games use          :
       both approaches -- a PLAYER1 and a PLAYER2 pin, for instance,        :
       were used on the Asteroids cocktail machine, both to activate        :
       and de-activate the two players' control panels, but also to         :
       control video inversion.                                             :
       Our point here is not to confuse - merely to say that if the         :
       game appears upside-down or backwards for no apparent reason,        :
       you should probably take a closer look at the pinouts.  It's         :
       amazing the number of variations that are out there, and it's        :
       sometimes a miracle that things show up correctly at all!            :
       Again, our earlier rule of thumb applies:  If you don't like         :
       what you see, play with it until you do.                             :
       As a last shot - sometimes it's not on the pins at all.  More        :
       recent games control their "cocktail" versus "upright" behavior      :
       by means of a DIP switch setting.  Fiddle with these if you          :
       think you've tried *everything*...                                   :
5.3) It's *STILL* upside-down!                                              :
       Finally, with vertically-mounted games, there are no                 :
       guarantees.  Some manufacturers believed that a monitor              :
       should be rotated 90 degrees to the right, and some believed         :
       it should be rotated 90 degrees to the left.  So you're not          :
       the only person who's confused.  The whole industry was              :
       confused at one time or another, and this is the historical          :
       result.                                                              :
       What this means is that if you've tried all of the above             :
       techniques, and you've got a game designed for a vertically-         :
       mounted monitor, you may be out of luck.  The manufacturer of        :
       that game used the same monitor, but they turned it the other        :
       way around.                                                          :
       You can get around this by reversing the wires to the                :
       deflection coils on the neck of the monitor (and if you're           :
       really fancy, installing a switch to go back and forth               :
       whenever you like), but like most monitor work, this is a            :
       fairly advanced modification, and we recommend that you be           :
       absolutely certain that you know what you're doing before you        :
       try this.                                                            :
       Remember, monitor hacking can be a dangerous sport unless you        :
       know what you're doing and take proper safety precautions.           :
       Keep in mind that with all the space you've saved doing              :
       conversions, you can probably squeeze in another cabinet.            :
       Replacing *yourself* is much more difficult.  If you've never        :
       hacked on a monitor before, ask some folks on the 'net about         :
       proper safety procedures (such as discharging the tube, etc.)        :
       before you begin.                                                    :