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 Name   Size   Modified 
folder 2901 2020-09-27 11:12:01Z
folder 34010 2020-09-27 11:12:02Z
folder 6502 2020-09-27 11:12:02Z
folder 6502emusrc 2020-09-27 11:12:03Z
folder 65816 2020-09-27 11:12:03Z
folder 9900 2020-09-27 11:12:05Z
folder cinematronics 2020-09-27 11:12:03Z
folder Z80 2020-09-27 11:12:05Z
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 68010.txt 15,600    2018-08-15 04:39:48Z
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 8080a.txt 15,600    2018-08-15 04:40:02Z
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 DAC0800-0801-0802 Datasheet.pdf 251,912    2018-08-15 04:40:10Z
 DAC312 Datasheet.pdf 274,964    2018-08-15 04:40:10Z
 DAC80 Datasheet.pdf 213,399    2018-08-15 04:40:10Z
 DS1073_Datasheet.pdf 106,619    2018-08-15 04:40:10Z
 ER2055_EAROM.pdf 244,961    2018-08-15 04:40:10Z
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 LM3080 Datasheet.pdf 192,639    2018-08-15 04:40:12Z
 LM555 Datasheet.pdf 192,781    2018-08-15 04:40:12Z
 LM556C Datasheet.pdf 156,411    2018-08-15 04:40:12Z
 Lsi-11.txt 15,600    2018-08-15 04:40:12Z
 Macro-11.txt 15,600    2018-08-15 04:40:12Z
 MC1495-Datasheet.pdf 340,786    2018-08-15 04:40:12Z
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 MK4096 Datasheet.pdf 1,792,008    2018-08-15 04:40:14Z
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 SN76477N-Datasheet.pdf 924,182    2018-08-15 04:40:14Z
 SP-0250 Applications Manual.pdf 1,746,822    2018-08-15 04:40:16Z
 SP-0250 Datasheet.pdf 278,485    2018-08-15 04:40:16Z
 T-11.txt 15,600    2018-08-15 04:40:16Z 260,052    2018-08-15 04:40:16Z
 TL081 TL082 TL084 Datasheet.pdf 472,573    2018-08-15 04:40:16Z
 TMS2708 TMS2716 Datasheet.pdf 68,442    2018-08-15 04:40:16Z
 TMS2716Pinouts.html 903    2018-08-15 04:40:16Z
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 TMS4051 and TMS4060 Datasheet.pdf 536,536    2018-08-15 04:40:18Z
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 TMS9918.pdf 5,911,832    2018-08-15 04:40:20Z
 TMS9927 Datasheet.pdf 371,911    2018-08-15 04:40:20Z
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 Z8000Tech.pdf 20,061,138    2018-08-15 04:40:32Z
 Z80CTC.pdf 665,660    2018-08-15 04:40:32Z

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All text files are still available to anyone at anytime.

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