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Motorola 68000 Instruction Set. ------------------------------- Condition Codes --------------- Assembler Data Instruction Description Syntax Size X N Z V C ----------------------- --------- ---- --------- ABCD Add BCD with extend Dx,Dy B-- * U * U * -(Ax),-(Ay) ADD ADD binary Dn, BWL * * * * * ,Dn ADDA ADD binary to An ,An -WL - - - - - ADDI ADD Immediate #x, BWL * * * * * ADDQ ADD 3-bit immediate #<1-8>, BWL * * * * * ADDX ADD eXtended Dy,Dx BWL * * * * * -(Ay),-(Ax) AND Bit-wise AND ,Dn BWL - * * 0 0 Dn, ANDI Bit-wise AND with Immediate #, BWL - * * 0 0 ASL Arithmetic Shift Left #<1-8>,Dy BWL * * * * * Dx,Dy ASR Arithmetic Shift Right ... BWL * * * * * Bcc Conditional Branch Bcc.S