Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [8048.txt (text file)]

|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                            Intel                             |
|                                                              |
|             88888      000         4      88888              |
|            8     8    0   0       44     8     8             |
|            8     8   0   0 0     4 4     8     8             |
|             88888    0  0  0    4  4      88888              |
|            8     8   0 0   0   4444444   8     8             |
|            8     8    0   0        4     8     8             |
|             88888      000         4      88888              |
|                                                              |
|          8048/8049/8748/8749/8035/8039 Single-Chip           |
|            MICROCOMPUTER Instruction Set Summary             |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                    _________    _________                    |
|                  _|         \__/         |_                  |
|         <--> T0 |_|1                   40|_| Vcc (+5V)       |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       --> XTAL1 |_|2                   39|_| T1 <--          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       --> XTAL2 |_|3                   38|_| P27 <-->        |
|           _____  _|                      |_                  |
|       --> RESET |_|4                   37|_| P26 <-->        |
|              __  _|                      |_                  |
|          --> SS |_|5                   36|_| P25 <-->        |
|             ___  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> INT |_|6                   35|_| P24 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|          --> EA |_|7                   34|_| P17 <-->        |
|              __  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- RD |_|8                   33|_| P16 <-->        |
|            ____  _|                      |_                  |
|        <-- PSEN |_|9        8048       32|_| P15 <-->        |
|              __  _|         8049         |_                  |
|          <-- WR |_|10       8748       31|_| P14 <-->        |
|                  _|         8749         |_                  |
|         <-- ALE |_|11       8035       30|_| P13 <-->        |
|                  _|         8039         |_                  |
|        <--> DB0 |_|12                  29|_| P12 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> DB1 |_|13                  28|_| P11 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> DB2 |_|14                  27|_| P10 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> DB3 |_|15                  26|_| Vdd             |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> DB4 |_|16                  25|_| PROG <-->       |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> DB5 |_|17                  24|_| P23 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> DB6 |_|18                  23|_| P22 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> DB7 |_|19                  22|_| P21 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       (GND) Vss |_|20                  21|_| P20 <-->        |
|                   |______________________|                   |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
|               Programming Research Group                     |
|               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
|               8-11 Keble Road                                |
|               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
|               England                                        |
|                                                              |
|               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
|                                                              |
|Created        May 1983                                       |
|Updated        April 1985                                     |
|Issue          1.1                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnemonic  |Op|CA|F|~|Description              |Notes          |
|ADD  A,rr |68|**|A|1|Add register             |A=A+rr         |
|ADD  A,@r |60|**|B|1|Add memory               |A=A+[r]        |
|ADD  A,#n |03|**|C|2|Add immediate            |A=A+n          |
|ADDC A,rr |78|**|A|1|Add with Carry register  |A=A+rr+C       |
|ADDC A,@r |70|**|B|1|Add with Carry memory    |A=A+[r]+C      |
|ADDC A,#n |13|**|C|2|Add with Carry immediate |A=A+n+C        |
|ANL  A,rr |58|--|A|1|AND Logical register     |A=A&rr         |
|ANL  A,@r |50|--|B|1|AND Logical memory       |A=A&[r]        |
|ANL  A,#n |53|--|C|2|AND Logical Immediate    |A=A&n          |
|ANL  pp,#n|98|--|D|2|AND Logical I/O port     |pp=pp&n        |
|ANLD ep,A |9C|--|E|2|AND Logical expander port|ep=ep&A        |
|CALL a    |14|--|F|2|Call subroutine          |[SP]+={PSW,PC},|
|CLR  A    |27|--|G|1|Clear accumulator        |A=0        PC=a|
|CLR  C    |97|0-|G|1|Clear carry status       |C=0            |
|CLR  F0   |85|--|G|1|Clear flag #0            |F0=0           |
|CLR  F1   |A5|--|G|1|Clear flag #1            |F1=0           |
|CPL  A    |37|--|G|1|Complement accumulator   |A=~A           |
|CPL  C    |A7|*-|G|1|Complement carry status  |C=~C           |
|CPL  F0   |95|--|G|1|Complement flag #0       |F0=~F0         |
|CPL  F1   |B5|--|G|1|Complement flag #1       |F1=~F1         |
|DA   A    |57|--|G|1|Decimal Adjust acc.      |A=BCD{A}       |
|DEC  A    |07|--|G|1|Decrement accumulator    |A=A-1          |
|DEC  rr   |C8|--|A|1|Decrement register       |rr=rr-1        |
|DIS  I    |15|--|G|1|Disable external int.    |               |
|DIS  TCNTI|35|--|G|1|Disable timer interrupt  |               |
|DJNZ rr,l |E8|--|H|2|Dec. and Jump if Non-Zero|rr=rr-1,if rr  |
|EN   I    |05|--|G|1|Enable external interrupt|               |
|EN   TCNTI|25|--|G|1|Enable timer interrupt   |               |
|ENT0 CLK  |75|--|G|1|Enable timer output      |               |
|IN   A,p  |08|--|I|2|Input from I/O port      |A=p            |
|INC  A    |17|--|G|1|Increment accumulator    |A=A+1          |
|INC  rr   |18|--|A|1|Increment register       |rr=rr+1        |
|INC  @r   |10|--|B|1|Increment memory         |[r]=[r]+1      |
|INS  A,BUS|08|--|G|2|Input bus with strobe    |A=BUS          |
|JBn  l    |12|--|J|2|Jump if Bit set (n=0-7)  |If A<n>=1      |
|JC   l    |F6|--|K|2|Jump if Carry set        |If C=1         |
|JF0  l    |B6|--|K|2|Jump if Flag #0 set      |If F0=1        |
|JF1  l    |76|--|K|2|Jump if Flag #1 set      |If F1=1        |
|JMP  a    |04|--|F|2|Unconditional Jump       |PC=a           |
|JMPP @A   |B3|--|G|2|Jump on accumulator      |PC=PC<8:11>+A  |
|JNC  l    |E6|--|K|2|Jump if Not Carry        |If C=0         |
|JNI  l    |86|--|K|2|Jump if Not Interrupt    |If I=0         |
|JNT0 l    |26|--|K|2|Jump if Not Test i/p #0  |If T0=0        |
|JNT1 l    |46|--|K|2|Jump if Not Test i/p #1  |If T1=0        |
|JNZ  l    |96|--|K|2|Jump if Not Zero         |If A<>0        |
|JOBF l    |86|--|K|2|Jump if OBF set          |If OBF=1       |
|JTF  l    |16|--|K|2|Jump if Timer Flag set   |If TF=1, TF=0  |
|JT0  l    |36|--|K|2|Jump if Test i/p #0 set  |If T0=1        |
|JT1  l    |56|--|K|2|Jump if Test i/p #1 set  |If T1=1        |
|JZ   l    |C6|--|K|2|Jump if Zero             |If A=0         |
|MOV  A,#n |23|--|C|2|Move from immediate      |A=n            |
|MOV  A,PSW|C7|--|G|1|Move from PSW            |A=PSW          |
|MOV  A,rr |F8|--|A|1|Move from register       |A=rr           |
|MOV  A,@r |F0|--|B|1|Move from memory         |A=[r]          |
|MOV  A,T  |42|--|G|1|Move from timer          |A=T            |
|MOV  PSW,A|D7|**|G|1|Move to PSW              |PSW=A          |
|MOV  rr,A |A8|--|A|1|Move to register         |rr=A           |
|MOV  rr,#n|B8|--|L|2|Move immediate to reg.   |rr=n           |
|MOV  @r,A |A0|--|B|1|Move to memory           |[r]=A          |
|MOV  @r,#n|B0|--|M|2|Move immediate to memory |[r]=n          |
|MOV  T,A  |62|--|G|1|Move to timer            |T=A            |
|MOVD A,ep |0C|--|E|2|Move from expander port  |A=ep           |
|MOVD ep,A |3C|--|E|2|Move to expander port    |ep=A           |
|MOVP A,@A |A3|--|G|1|2|Move from memory       |A=[PC<8:11>+A] |
|MOVP3 A,@A|E3|--|G|2|Move from memory         |A=[300H+A]     |
|MOVX A,@r |80|--|B|2|Move from external memory|A=[r]          |
|MOVX @r,A |90|--|B|2|Move to external memory  |[r]=A          |
|NOP       |00|--|G|1|No Operation             |               |
|ORL  A,rr |48|--|A|1|OR Logical register      |A=Avrr         |
|ORL  A,@r |40|--|B|1|OR Logical memory        |A=Av[r]        |
|ORL  A,#n |43|--|C|2|OR Logical immediate     |A=Avn          |
|ORL  pp,#n|88|--|D|2|OR Logical I/O port      |pp=ppvn        |
|ORLD ep,A |8C|--|E|2|OR Logical expander port |ep=epvA        |
|OUTL BUS,A|02|--|G|2|Output to bus            |BUS=A          |
|OUTL p,A  |38|--|I|2|Output to I/O port       |p=A            |
|RET       |83|--|G|2|Return from subroutine   |PC=[SP]-       |
|Mnemonic  |Op|CA|F|~|Description              |Notes          |
|RETR      |93|**|G|2|Return and Restore status|{PC,PSW}=[SP]- |
|RL   A    |E7|--|G|1|Rotate Left              |A={A}<-        |
|RLC  A    |F7|*-|G|1|Rotate Left thru Carry   |A={A,C}<-      |
|RR   A    |77|--|G|1|Rotate Right             |A=->{A}        |
|RRC  A    |67|*-|G|1|Rotate Right thru Carry  |A=->{C,A}      |
|SEL  MBk  |E5|--|N|1|Select Memory Bank       |PC<11>=k       |
|SEL  RBk  |C5|--|N|1|Select Register Bank     |Reg bank=k     |
|STOP TCNT |65|--|G|1|Stop timer/counter       |               |
|STRT CNT  |45|--|G|1|Start counter            |               |
|STRT T    |55|--|G|1|Start timer              |               |
|SWAP A    |47|--|G|1|Swap accumulator nibbles |A<0:3><->A<4:7>|
|XCH  A,rr |28|--|A|1|Exchange register        |A<->rr         |
|XCH  A,@r |20|--|B|1|Exchange memory          |A<->[r]        |
|XCHD A,@r |30|--|B|1|Exchange lower nibbles   |A<0:3><->[r<:>]|
|XRL  A,rr |D8|--|A|1|Exclusive OR register    |A=Axrr         |
|XRL  A,@r |D0|--|B|1|Exclusive OR memory      |A=Ax[r]        |
|XRL  A,#n |D3|--|C|2|Exclusive OR immediate   |A=Axn          |
| PSW         |-*| | |Flag unaffected/affected or zero (0)     |
| C           |C | | |Carry (Bit 7)                            |
| AC          | A| | |Auxilary Carry (Bit 6)                   |
| F0   F1     |  | | |Flags (F0, bit 5, F1 bit 4)              |
| SP          |  | | |Stack Pointer (Bits 0-2)                 |
| -----nnn       |A| |nnn = R0/R1/R2/R3/R4/R5/R6/R7 (3 bits)   |
| -------r       |B| |r   = R0/R1 (1 bit)                      |
| -------- MM    |C| |MM  = 8 bits of immediate data           |
| ------pp MM    |D| |pp  = BUS/P1/P2/? (2 bits)               |
| ------ee       |E| |ee  = P4/P5/P6/P7 (2 bits)               |
| xxx----- XX    |F| |xxx = high-order 3 bits of memory address|
| --------       |G| |XX  = low-order 8 bits of memory address |
| -----nnn XX    |H| |nnn = as above                           |
| ------qq       |I| |qq  = ?/P1/P2/? (2 bits)                 |
| bbb----- XX    |J| |bbb = 3-bit bit number of accumulator    |
| -------- XX    |K| |XX  = as above                           |
| -----nnn MM    |L| |nnn = as above                           |
| -------r MM    |M| |r   = as above                           |
| ---k----       |N| |k   = 0/1 (1 bit)                        |
| A                  |Accumulator (8-bit)                      |
| BUS                |Bus I/O port (8-bit)                     |
| OBF                |Output Buffer Full flag (1-bit)          |
| MB0  MB1           |Memory Banks                             |
| P1   P2            |I/O Ports (8-bit)                        |
| PC                 |Program Counter register (12-bit)        |
| PORT               |I/O Port P1 and P2                       |
| PSW                |Processor Status Word (8-bit)            |
| RB0  RB1           |Register Banks                           |
| Rn                 |Registers (8-bit, n=0-7)                 |
| Rn'                |Alternative Registers (8-bit, n=0-7)     |
| T0   T1            |Test inputs                              |
| a                  |11-bit address quantity (0 to 2047)      |
| ep                 |8243 expander port P4, P5, P6 or P7      |
| k                  |1-bit data quantity (0 or 1)             |
| l                  |Low-order 8 bits of a memory address     |
| n                  |8-bit data quantity (0 to 255)           |
| p                  |I/O port P1 or P2                        |
| pp                 |I/O port PORT, P1 or P2                  |
| r                  |Register R0 or R1                        |
| rr                 |Register R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 or R7|
| +    -             |Arithmetic addition/subtraction          |
| &    ~             |Logical AND/NOT                          |
| v    x             |Logical inclusive/exclusive OR           |
| <-   ->            |Rotate left/right                        |
| <->                |Exchange                                 |
| < >  < : >         |Bit number/range                         |
| [ ]                |Indirect addressing                      |
| [ ]+ -[ ]          |Indirect address auto-increment/decrement|
| { }                |Combination of operands                  |
| 00H to 07H         |General purpose registers R0-R7 (8-bit)  |
| 08H to 17H         |Stack area S0-S7 (16-bit)                |
| 18H to 1FH         |Alternative registers R0'-R7' (8-bit)    |
| 20H to 3FH         |General scratchpad memory area           |