Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [8080a.txt (text file)]

|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                            Intel                             |
|                                                              |
|        88888      000      88888      000        A           |
|       8     8    0   0    8     8    0   0      A A          |
|       8     8   0   0 0   8     8   0   0 0    A   A         |
|        88888    0  0  0    88888    0  0  0   AAAAAAA        |
|       8     8   0 0   0   8     8   0 0   0   A     A        |
|       8     8    0   0    8     8    0   0    A     A        |
|        88888      000      88888      000     A     A        |
|                                                              |
|         8080A MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary         |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                    _________    _________                    |
|                  _|         \__/         |_                  |
|         <-- A10 |_|1                   40|_| A11 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|             Vss |_|2                   39|_| A14 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D4 |_|3                   38|_| A13 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D5 |_|4                   37|_| A12 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D6 |_|5                   36|_| A15 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D7 |_|6                   35|_| A9 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D3 |_|7                   34|_| A8 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D2 |_|8                   33|_| A7 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D1 |_|9                   32|_| A6 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D0 |_|10      8080A       31|_| A5 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|             Vbb |_|11                  30|_| A4 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       --> RESET |_|12                  29|_| A3 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        --> HOLD |_|13                  28|_| Vdd             |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> INT |_|14                  27|_| A2 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        --> CLK2 |_|15                  26|_| A1 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <-- INTE |_|16                  25|_| A0 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <-- DBIN |_|17                  24|_| WAIT -->        |
|              __  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- WR |_|18                  23|_| READY <--       |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <-- SYNC |_|19                  22|_| CLK1 <--        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|             Vcc |_|20                  21|_| HLDA -->        |
|                   |______________________|                   |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
|               Programming Research Group                     |
|               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
|               8-11 Keble Road                                |
|               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
|               England                                        |
|                                                              |
|               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
|                                                              |
|Created        May 1983                                       |
|Updated        April 1985                                     |
|Issue          1.1                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnemonic |Op|SZAPC|~s|Description               |Notes        |
|ACI n    |CE|*****| 7|Add with Carry Immediate  |A=A+n+CY     |
|ADC r    |8F|*****| 4|Add with Carry            |A=A+r+CY(21X)|
|ADC M    |8E|*****| 7|Add with Carry to Memory  |A=A+[HL]+CY  |
|ADD r    |87|*****| 4|Add                       |A=A+r   (20X)|
|ADD M    |86|*****| 7|Add to Memory             |A=A+[HL]     |
|ADI n    |C6|*****| 7|Add Immediate             |A=A+n        |
|ANA r    |A7|****0| 4|AND Accumulator           |A=A&r   (24X)|
|ANA M    |A6|****0| 7|AND Accumulator and Memory|A=A&[HL]     |
|ANI n    |E6|**0*0| 7|AND Immediate             |A=A&n        |
|CALL a   |CD|-----|17|Call unconditional        |-[SP]=PC,PC=a|
|CC a     |DC|-----|11|Call on Carry             |If CY=1(17~s)|
|CM a     |FC|-----|11|Call on Minus             |If S=1 (17~s)|
|CMA      |2F|-----| 4|Complement Accumulator    |A=~A         |
|CMC      |3F|----*| 4|Complement Carry          |CY=~CY       |
|CMP r    |BF|*****| 4|Compare                   |A-r     (27X)|
|CMP M    |BF|*****| 7|Compare with Memory       |A-[HL]       |
|CNC a    |D4|-----|11|Call on No Carry          |If CY=0(17~s)|
|CNZ a    |C4|-----|11|Call on No Zero           |If Z=0 (17~s)|
|CP a     |F4|-----|11|Call on Plus              |If S=0 (17~s)|
|CPE a    |EC|-----|11|Call on Parity Even       |If P=1 (17~s)|
|CPI n    |FE|*****| 7|Compare Immediate         |A-n          |
|CPO a    |E4|-----|11|Call on Parity Odd        |If P=0 (17~s)|
|CZ a     |CC|-----|11|Call on Zero              |If Z=1 (17~s)|
|DAA      |27|*****| 4|Decimal Adjust Accumulator|A=BCD format |
|DAD B    |09|----*|10|Double Add BC to HL       |HL=HL+BC     |
|DAD D    |19|----*|10|Double Add DE to HL       |HL=HL+DE     |
|DAD H    |29|----*|10|Double Add HL to HL       |HL=HL+HL     |
|DAD SP   |39|----*|10|Double Add SP to HL       |HL=HL+SP     |
|DCR r    |3D|****-| 5|Decrement                 |r=r-1   (0X5)|
|DCR M    |35|****-|10|Decrement Memory          |[HL]=[HL]-1  |
|DCX B    |0B|-----| 5|Decrement BC              |BC=BC-1      |
|DCX D    |1B|-----| 5|Decrement DE              |DE=DE-1      |
|DCX H    |2B|-----| 5|Decrement HL              |HL=HL-1      |
|DCX SP   |3B|-----| 5|Decrement Stack Pointer   |SP=SP-1      |
|DI       |F3|-----| 4|Disable Interrupts        |             |
|EI       |FB|-----| 4|Enable Interrupts         |             |
|HLT      |76|-----| 7|Halt                      |             |
|IN p     |DB|-----|10|Input                     |A=[p]        |
|INR r    |3C|****-| 5|Increment                 |r=r+1   (0X4)|
|INR M    |3C|****-|10|Increment Memory          |[HL]=[HL]+1  |
|INX B    |03|-----| 5|Increment BC              |BC=BC+1      |
|INX D    |13|-----| 5|Increment DE              |DE=DE+1      |
|INX H    |23|-----| 5|Increment HL              |HL=HL+1      |
|INX SP   |33|-----| 5|Increment Stack Pointer   |SP=SP+1      |
|JMP a    |C3|-----|10|Jump unconditional        |PC=a         |
|JC a     |DA|-----|10|Jump on Carry             |If CY=1(10~s)|
|JM a     |FA|-----|10|Jump on Minus             |If S=1 (10~s)|
|JNC a    |D2|-----|10|Jump on No Carry          |If CY=0(10~s)|
|JNZ a    |C2|-----|10|Jump on No Zero           |If Z=0 (10~s)|
|JP a     |F2|-----|10|Jump on Plus              |If S=0 (10~s)|
|JPE a    |EA|-----|10|Jump on Parity Even       |If P=1 (10~s)|
|JPO a    |E2|-----|10|Jump on Parity Odd        |If P=0 (10~s)|
|JZ a     |CA|-----|10|Jump on Zero              |If Z=1 (10~s)|
|LDA a    |3A|-----|13|Load Accumulator direct   |A=[a]        |
|LDAX B   |0A|-----| 7|Load Accumulator indirect |A=[BC]       |
|LDAX D   |1A|-----| 7|Load Accumulator indirect |A=[DE]       |
|LHLD a   |2A|-----|16|Load HL Direct            |HL=[a]       |
|LXI B,nn |01|-----|10|Load Immediate BC         |BC=nn        |
|LXI D,nn |11|-----|10|Load Immediate DE         |DE=nn        |
|LXI H,nn |21|-----|10|Load Immediate HL         |HL=nn        |
|LXI SP,nn|31|-----|10|Load Immediate Stack Ptr  |SP=nn        |
|MOV r1,r2|7F|-----| 5|Move register to register |r1=r2   (1XX)|
|MOV M,r  |77|-----| 7|Move register to Memory   |[HL]=r  (16X)|
|MOV r,M  |7E|-----| 7|Move Memory to register   |r=[HL]  (1X6)|
|MVI r,n  |3E|-----| 7|Move Immediate            |r=n     (0X6)|
|MVI M,n  |36|-----|10|Move Immediate to Memory  |[HL]=n       |
|NOP      |00|-----| 4|No Operation              |             |
|ORA r    |B7|**0*0| 4|Inclusive OR Accumulator  |A=Avr   (26X)|
|ORA M    |B6|**0*0| 7|Inclusive OR Accumulator  |A=Av[HL]     |
|ORI n    |F6|**0*0| 7|Inclusive OR Immediate    |A=Avn        |
|OUT p    |D3|-----|10|Output                    |[p]=A        |
|PCHL     |E9|-----| 5|Jump HL indirect          |PC=[HL]      |
|POP B    |C1|-----|10|Pop BC                    |BC=[SP]+     |
|POP D    |D1|-----|10|Pop DE                    |DE=[SP]+     |
|POP H    |E1|-----|10|Pop HL                    |HL=[SP]+     |
|POP PSW  |F1|-----|10|Pop Processor Status Word |{PSW,A}=[SP]+|
|Mnemonic |Op|SZAPC|~s|Description               |Notes        |
|PUSH B   |C5|-----|11|Push BC                   |-[SP]=BC     |
|PUSH D   |D5|-----|11|Push DE                   |-[SP]=DE     |
|PUSH H   |E5|-----|11|Push HL                   |-[SP]=HL     |
|PUSH PSW |F5|-----|11|Push Processor Status Word|-[SP]={PSW,A}|
|RAL      |17|----*| 4|Rotate Accumulator Left   |A={CY,A}<-   |
|RAR      |1F|----*| 4|Rotate Accumulator Righ   |A=->{CY,A}   |
|RET      |C9|-----|10|Return                    |PC=[SP]+     |
|RC       |D8|-----| 5|Return on Carry           |If CY=1(11~s)|
|RM       |F8|-----| 5|Return on Minus           |If S=1 (11~s)|
|RNC      |D0|-----| 5|Return on No Carry        |If CY=0(11~s)|
|RNZ      |C0|-----| 5|Return on No Zero         |If Z=0 (11~s)|
|RP       |F0|-----| 5|Return on Plus            |If S=0 (11~s)|
|RPE      |E8|-----| 5|Return on Parity Even     |If P=1 (11~s)|
|RPO      |E0|-----| 5|Return on Parity Odd      |If P=0 (11~s)|
|RZ       |C8|-----| 5|Return on Zero            |If Z=1 (11~s)|
|RLC      |07|----*| 4|Rotate Left Circular      |A=A<-        |
|RRC      |0F|----*| 4|Rotate Right Circular     |A=->A        |
|RST z    |C7|-----|11|Restart              (3X7)|-[SP]=PC,PC=z|
|SBB r    |9F|*****| 4|Subtract with Borrow      |A=A-r-CY(23X)|
|SBB M    |9E|*****| 7|Subtract with Borrow      |A=A-[HL]-CY  |
|SBI n    |DE|*****| 7|Subtract with Borrow Immed|A=A-n-CY     |
|SHLD a   |22|-----|16|Store HL Direct           |[a]=HL       |
|SPHL     |F9|-----| 5|Move HL to SP             |SP=HL        |
|STA a    |32|-----|13|Store Accumulator         |[a]=A        |
|STAX B   |02|-----| 7|Store Accumulator indirect|[BC]=A       |
|STAX D   |12|-----| 7|Store Accumulator indirect|[DE]=A       |
|STC      |37|----1| 4|Set Carry                 |CY=1         |
|SUB r    |97|*****| 4|Subtract                  |A=A-r   (22X)|
|SUB M    |96|*****| 7|Subtract Memory           |A=A-[HL]     |
|SUI n    |D6|*****| 7|Subtract Immediate        |A=A-n        |
|XCHG     |EB|-----| 4|Exchange HL with DE       |HL<->DE      |
|XRA r    |AF|**0*0| 4|Exclusive OR Accumulator  |A=Axr   (25X)|
|XRA M    |AE|**0*0| 7|Exclusive OR Accumulator  |A=Ax[HL]     |
|XRI n    |EE|**0*0| 7|Exclusive OR Immediate    |A=Axn        |
|XTHL     |E3|-----|18|Exchange stack Top with HL|[SP]<->HL    |
| PSW        |-*01 |  |Flag unaffected/affected/reset/set      |
| S          |S    |  |Sign (Bit 7)                            |
| Z          | Z   |  |Zero (Bit 6)                            |
| AC         |  A  |  |Auxilary Carry (Bit 4)                  |
| P          |   P |  |Parity (Bit 2)                          |
| CY         |    C|  |Carry (Bit 0)                           |
| a p                 |Direct addressing                       |
| M z                 |Register indirect addressing            |
| n nn                |Immediate addressing                    |
| r                   |Register addressing                     |
|DB n(,n)             |Define Byte(s)                          |
|DB 'string'          |Define Byte ASCII character string      |
|DS nn                |Define Storage Block                    |
|DW nn(,nn)           |Define Word(s)                          |
| A B C D E H L       |Registers (8-bit)                       |
| BC DE HL            |Register pairs (16-bit)                 |
| PC                  |Program Counter register (16-bit)       |
| PSW                 |Processor Status Word (8-bit)           |
| SP                  |Stack Pointer register (16-bit)         |
| a                   |16-bit address quantity (0 to 65535)    |
| n                   |8-bit data quantity (0 to 255)          |
| nn                  |16-bit data quantity (0 to 65535)       |
| p                   |8-bit I/O port number (0 to 255)        |
| r                   |Register (X=B,C,D,E,H,L,M,A)            |
| z                   |Vector (X=0H,8H,10H,18H,20H,28H,30H,38H)|
| +  -                |Arithmetic addition/subtraction         |
| &  ~                |Logical AND/NOT                         |
| v  x                |Logical inclusive/exclusive OR          |
| <-  ->              |Rotate left/right                       |
| <->                 |Exchange                                |
| [ ]                 |Indirect addressing                     |
| [ ]+  -[ ]          |Indirect addr. auto-increment/decrement |
| { }                 |Combination of operands                 |
| ( X )               |Octal op code where X is a 3-bit code   |
| If ( ~s)            |Number of cycles if condition true      |