Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [FutureSpy.txt (text file)]

Here are the DIP switch settings for Future Spy (grandson of Zaxxon),
as typed in by me (jasonbar@engineering.ucsb.edu).  Note that, I hereby
declare that I can not be held accountable for your machine exploding
(or doing anything less drastic but still bad) if you set your switches
as described here.  BTW, I was surprised to notice that these are totally
different from the Zaxxon.sw file here on wiretap...Also, note that the
red switch on the motherboardboard, next to both banks of DIPs, enters
the test mode, where you can verify your settings.  Also, also, note that
the mysterious SW4 at the bottom of the document.

These switch settings do _not_ match Zaxxon's!

SW1 (pricing)
Coin Slot #1
coin cred 1   2   3   4
1    1    off off off off
1    2    on  off off off
1    3    off on  off off
1    4    on  on  off off
1    5    off off on  off
1    6    on  off on  off
2    1    off on  on  off
3    1    on  on  on  off
4    1    off off off on
2    3    on  off off on
2    1    off on  off on
2    1    on  on  off on
1    1    off off on  on
1    1    on  off on  on
1    1    off on  on  on
1    1    on  on  on  on
Coin Slot #2
coin cred 5   6   7   8
1    1    off off off off
1    2    on  off off off
1    3    off on  off off
1    4    on  on  off off
1    5    off off on  off
1    6    on  off on  off
2    1    off on  on  off
3    1    on  on  on  off
4    1    off off off on
2    3    on  off off on
2    1    off on  off on
2    1    on  on  off on
1    1    off off on  on
1    1    on  off on  on
1    1    off on  on  on
1    1    on  on  on  on
1    on:upright, off:tabletop
2    on:attract sound on, off:attract sound off
3   4
off off  3 lives
on  off  4 lives
off on   5 lives
on  on   infinite lives
5   6
off off  free ships @ 20k, 40k, 60k
on  off  free ships @ 30k, 60k, 90k
off on   free ships @ 40k, 70k, 100k
on  on   free ships @ 40k, 80k, 120k
7   8
off off  easy
on  off  medium
off on   hard
on  on   hardest

This switch alters the polarity of the sync. signal.  Some monitors work
in either position.  Others roll in one position and work in the other.
Experiment with it to see which suits your system best.

Sync. pol docs by Martin Pritchard (mspritch@powys.gov.uk)
Jason Dante Bardis(jasonbar@bolt.ucsb.edu) heartily endorses the following:
The Simpsons.3DO.cycling.Absolutely Fabulous.PWEI.LEGO.Duckman.Tit Wrench
autocrosses/rallyes.Atari 2600&800.mechanical engineering.Ministry.Tempest.NIN
The Jitterbug.William Gibson.G-Force.Robotics.Tim Burton.The Cult.fried cheese