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Document Title: [TimePilot84.txt (text file)]

from Buffalo Bill Johnston:

Time Pilot '84/Konami, 8-way joystick + 2 buttons	

dipswitch 1 set:
all off = 1 coin, 1 credit
all on = free play
numerous in between settings for various coin combinations

dipswitch 2 set

number of ships: switches 1 and 2
off/off = 3
on/off= 4
off/on = 5
on/on = 7   

switch 3
off = cocktail table
on = upright

switch 4 and 5 bonus points
off/off = 10k + every 50k
on/off = 20k + every 60k
off/on = 30k + every 70k
on/on 40k + every 80k

difficulty of game
switches 6 and 7
off/off = easy 1
on/off = 2
off/on = 3
on/on = 4 difficult

attract mode sound switch 8
off = off
on = on
