Like Berzerk with food! - Reach the Ice Cream cone to end level - Watermelons provide unlimited ammo - peas had a lousy range - Every 5th wave is a Watermelon wave - Cool!
control panel
cabinet photo
title screen
gameplay screen
promotional flyer Member Ratings / Comments
by Vlotom.
Comment: "Simple concept,yet fun. That's about it."
2001-07-15 17:27:10Z
by madmatt7.
Comment: "Great soundtrack. Great characters. Simple, yet loads of fun."
2002-09-18 17:08:18Z
by Shaky.
Comment: "This was the only Game at which I was College Champion - normally a Cack Handed gamer Charlie and Co allowed poor Shaky his moment of Glory and still have the scarred fingers too"
2003-03-31 02:21:05Z