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Released in 1974

Developer: Mirco
Manufacturer: Mirco
Distributor: Mirco

     (0 total votes)

Game Summary

Pong for 1 to 4 players.

Game Details

This is a round cocktail table with 4 knobs mounted on the surface. 2 knobs on either side of the screen. One, two or four players can play. Screen orientation to the players is vertical but the score and instructions on the glass are horizontally oriented. A switch on the side selects to play versus player or versus game.

If played versus game, 1 or 2 people can play. The object vs game is to hit the ball into a small goal on the other side. You can't hit it in directly, because it is blocked by a wall; you must bank it in off one of the side walls. If you defeat the game you win a free game.

If played versus player it is simple 2 or 4 player pong. In 4 player mode there is no alternating hits, either teammate may hit the ball.

A switch on the circuit board selects 11 or 15 point games. Member Ratings / Comments

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This game page was created 8/3/1998 12:00:00 AM and last updated 1/9/2000 9:04:31 PM