Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [Z8.txt (text file)]

|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                            Zilog                             |
|                                                              |
|                      ZZZZZZZ    88888                        |
|                           Z    8     8                       |
|                          Z     8     8                       |
|                         Z       88888                        |
|                        Z       8     8                       |
|                       Z        8     8                       |
|                      ZZZZZZZ    88888                        |
|                                                              |
|        Z8601/02/03/11/12/13 Single-Chip MICROCOMPUTER        |
|                   Instruction Set Summary                    |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                    _________    _________                    |
|                  _|         \__/         |_                  |
|             +5V |_|1                   40|_| P36 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <-- XTAL2 |_|2                   39|_| P31 <--         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       --> XTAL1 |_|3                   38|_| P27 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- P37 |_|4                   37|_| P26 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> P30 |_|5                   36|_| P25 <-->        |
|           _____  _|                      |_                  |
|       --> RESET |_|6                   35|_| P24 <-->        |
|               _  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- R/W |_|7                   34|_| P23 <-->        |
|              __  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- DS |_|8                   33|_| P22 <-->        |
|              __  _|                      |_                  |
|          <-- AS |_|9       Z8601       32|_| P21 <-->        |
|                  _|        Z8603         |_                  |
|         <-- P35 |_|10      Z8611       31|_| P20 <-->        |
|                  _|        Z8613         |_                  |
|             GND |_|11                  30|_| P33 <--         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> P32 |_|12                  29|_| P34 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P00 |_|13                  28|_| P17 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P01 |_|14                  27|_| P16 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P02 |_|15                  26|_| P15 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P03 |_|16                  25|_| P14 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P04 |_|17                  24|_| P13 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P05 |_|18                  23|_| P12 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P06 |_|19                  22|_| P11 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|        <--> P07 |_|20                  21|_| P10 <-->        |
|                   |______________________|                   |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
|               Programming Research Group                     |
|               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
|               8-11 Keble Road                                |
|               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
|               England                                        |
|                                                              |
|               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
|                                                              |
|Created        June 1982                                      |
|Updated        April 1985                                     |
|Issue          1.1                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnemonic|Op|CZSVDH|#|Description            |Notes            |
|ADC d,s |1X|****0*|a|Add with Carry         |d=d+s+C          |
|ADD d,s |0X|****0*|a|Add                    |d=d+s            |
|AND d,s |5X|-**0--|a|Logical AND            |d=d&s            |
|CALL d  |D4|------|b|Call subroutine        |-[SP]=PC,PC=d    |
|CCF     |EF|*-----|c|Complement Carry Flag  |C=~C             |
|CLR d   |B0|------|d|Clear                  |d=0              |
|COM d   |60|-**0--|d|Complement             |d=~d             |
|CP d,s  |AX|****--|a|Compare                |d-s              |
|DA d    |40|***?--|d|Decimal Adjust         |d=BCD format     |
|DEC d   |00|-***--|d|Decrement              |d=d-1            |
|DECW d  |80|-***--|d|Decrement Word         |d=d-1            |
|DI      |8F|------|c|Disable Interrupts     |IMR<7>=0         |
|DJNZ r,d|rA|------|e|Dec. and Jump Non-Zero |r=r-1, if r<>0 JR|
|EI      |9F|------|c|Enable Interrupts      |IMR<7>=1         |
|INC d   |rE|-***--|f|Increment              |d=d+1            |
|INCW d  |A0|-***--|d|Increment Word         |d=d+1            |
|IRET    |BF|******|c|Interrupt Return       |{F,PC}=[SP]+,EI  |
|JP c,d  |cD|------|g|Conditional Jump       |If c PC=d        |
|JR c,d  |cB|------|h|Cond. Jump Relative    |If c PC=PC+d     |
|LD d,s  |rC|------|i|Load                   |d=s              |
|LDC d,s |C2|------|j|Load                   |d=s              |
|LDCI d,s|C3|------|k|Load and Increment     |d=s,r=r+1,rr=rr+1|
|LDE d,s |82|------|j|Load                   |d=s              |
|LDEI d,s|83|------|k|Load and Increment     |d=s,r=r+1,rr=rr+1|
|NOP     |FF|------|c|No Operation           |                 |
|OR d,s  |4X|-**0--|a|Logical inclusive OR   |d=dvs            |
|POP d   |50|------|d|Pop                    |d=[SP]+          |
|PUSH s  |70|------|d|Push                   |-[SP]=s          |
|RCF     |CF|------|c|Reset Carry Flag       |C=0              |
|RET     |AF|------|c|Return                 |PC=[SP]+         |
|RL d    |90|****--|d|Rotate Left            |d=d<-            |
|RLC d   |10|****--|d|Rotate Left Circular   |d={C,d}<-        |
|RR d    |E0|****--|d|Rotate Right           |d=->d            |
|RRC d   |C0|****--|d|Rotate Right Circular  |d=->{C,d}        |
|SBC d,s |3X|****1*|a|Subtract with Carry    |d=d-s-C          |
|SCF     |DF|1-----|c|Set Carry Flag         |C=1              |
|SRA d   |D0|***0--|d|Shift Right Arithmetic |d=d/2            |
|SRP s   |31|------|k|Set Register Pointer   |RP=s             |
|SUB d,s |2X|****1*|a|Subtract               |d=d-s            |
|SWAP d  |F0|?**?--|d|Swap nibbles           |d<0:3><->d<4:7>  |
|TCM d,s |6X|-**0--|a|Test Complement Memory |{~d}&s           |
|TM d,s  |7X|-**0--|a|Test Memory            |d&s              |
|XOR d,s |BX|-**0--|a|Logical Exclusive OR   |d=dxs            |
| FLAGS     |-/*/  | |Unaffected/affected/   |Register 252     |
|           |0/1/? | |reset/set/unknown.     |                 |
| C         |C     | |Carry flag             |Bit 7            |
| Z         | Z    | |Zero flag              |Bit 6            |
| S         |  S   | |Sign flag              |Bit 5            |
| V         |   V  | |Overflow flag          |Bit 4            |
| D         |    D | |Decimal-adjust flag    |Bit 3            |
| H         |     H| |Half-carry flag        |Bit 2            |
| F2        |      | |User flag 2            |Bit 1            |
| F1        |      | |User flag 1            |Bit 0            |
| c     = XXXXB      |Condition              |Top nibble of Op |
|         1000B      |Always true            |If true          |
| C     = 0111B      |Carry (C=1)            |If C=1           |
| NC    = 1111B      |No carry (C=0)         |If C=0           |
| Z     = 0110B      |Zero (Z=1)             |If Z=1           |
| NZ    = 1110B      |Not zero (Z=0)         |If Z=0           |
| PL    = 1101B      |Plus (S=0)             |If S=0           |
| MI    = 0101B      |Minus (S=1)            |If S=1           |
| OV    = 0100B      |Overflow (V=1)         |If V=1           |
| NOV   = 1100B      |No overflow (V=0)      |If V=0           |
| EQ    = 0110B      |Equal (Z=1)            |If Z=1           |
| NE    = 1110B      |Not equal (Z=0)        |If Z=0           |
| GE    = 1001B      |Greater than or equal  |If SxV=0         |
| LT    = 0001B      |Less than              |If SxV=1         |
| GT    = 1010B      |Greater than           |If Zv{SxV}=0     |
| LE    = 0010B      |Less than or equal     |If Zv{SxV}=1     |
| UGE   = 1111B      |Unsigned greater/equal |If C=0           |
| ULT   = 0111B      |Unsigned less than     |If C=1           |
| UGT   = 1011B      |Unsigned greater than  |If CvZ=0         |
| ULE   = 0011B      |Unsigned less/equal    |If CvZ=1         |
|         0000B      |Never true             |If false         |
|Mnemonic            |Description                              |
| DA                 |Direct address                           |
| IM                 |Immediate                                |
| Ir                 |Indirect working register                |
| IR                 |Indirect register or Ir                  |
| Irr                |Indirect working register pair address   |
| IRR                |Indirect register pair or Irr            |
| r                  |Working register address                 |
| R                  |Register or r                            |
| RA                 |Relative address                         |
| rr                 |Working register pair address            |
| RR                 |Register pair or rr                      |
| X                  |Indexed address                          |
| d                  |Destination location or contents         |
| s                  |Source location or contents              |
| #                  |Addressing mode type(s)                  |
| #a                 |X=2-7: d,s=r,r/r,Ir/R,R/R,IR/R,IM/IR,IM  |
| #b                 |Op=D4/D6: d=IRR/DA                 (CALL)|
| #c                 |No operands                              |
| #d                 |Op=X0/X1: d=R/IR                         |
| #e                 |Op=rA: r=0-F, d=RA                 (DJNZ)|
| #f                 |Op=rE/20/21: d=r/R/IR               (INC)|
| #g                 |Op=cD/30: d=DA/IRR                   (JP)|
| #h                 |Op=cB: d=RA                          (JR)|
| #i                 |Op=rC/r8/r9/C7/ d,s=r,Im/r,R/R,r/r,X/    |
|                    |   D7/E3/E4/E5/ X,r/r,Ir/R,R/R,IR/       |
|                    |   E6/E7/F3/F5: R,Im/IR,Im/Ir,r/IR,R (LD)|
| #j                 |Op=C2/D2: d,s=r,Irr/Irr,r       (LDC/LDE)|
| #k                 |Op=C3/D3: d,s=Ir,Irr/Irr,Ir   (LDCI/LDEI)|
|           0 - 255  |Register file addresses|00H-FFH          |
| P0    =   0        |Port 0                 |00H R/W          |
| P1    =   1        |Port 1                 |01H R/W          |
| P2    =   2        |Port 2                 |02H R/W          |
| P3    =   3        |Port 3                 |03H R W          |
|           4 - 127  |General purpose regs.  |04H-7FH R/W      |
|         128 - 239  |Unused                 |80H-EFH          |
| SIO   = 240        |Serial I/O             |F0H R/W          |
| TMR   = 241        |Timer mode             |F1H R/W          |
| T1    = 242        |Timer/counter 1        |F2H R/W          |
| PRE1  = 243        |T1 prescaler           |F3H WO           |
| T0    = 244        |Timer/counter 0        |F4H R/W          |
| PRE0  = 245        |T0 prescaler           |F5H WO           |
| P2M   = 246        |Port 2 mode            |F6H WO           |
| P3M   = 247        |Port 3 mode            |F7H WO           |
| P01M  = 248        |Ports 0-1 mode         |F8H WO           |
| IPR   = 249        |Interrupt priority reg.|F9H WO           |
| IRQ   = 250        |Interrupt request reg. |FAH R/W          |
| IMR   = 251        |Interrupt mask reg.    |FBH R/W          |
| FLAGS = 252        |Program control flags  |FCH R/W          |
| RP    = 253        |Register pointer       |FDH R/W          |
| SPH   = 254        |Stack pointer high byte|FEH R/W          |
| SPL   = 255        |Stack pointer low byte |FFH R/W          |
| +                  |Add                                      |
| -                  |Subtract                                 |
| *                  |Multiply                                 |
| /                  |Divide                                   |
| &                  |Logical AND                              |
| ~                  |Logical NOT                              |
| v                  |Logical inclusive OR                     |
| x                  |Logical exclusive OR                     |
| <-                 |Rotate left                              |
| ->                 |Rotate right                             |
| <->                |Exchange                                 |
| [ ]                |Indirect addressing                      |
| [ ]+  -[ ]         |Auto-increment/decrement indirect address|
| < >   < : >        |Bit number/range                         |
| { }                |Combination of operands                  |
| Z8601              |Single-chip microcomputer with 2K ROM    |
| Z8602              |Development device with memory interface |
| Z8603              |Prototyping device with EPROM interface  |
| Z8611              |Single-chip microcomputer with 4K ROM    |
| Z8612              |Development device with memory interface |
| Z8613              |Prototyping device with EPROM interface  |