Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [Z8002.txt (text file)]

|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                            Zilog                             |
|                                                              |
|       ZZZZZZZ    88888      000       000      22222         |
|            Z    8     8    0   0     0   0    2     2        |
|           Z     8     8   0   0 0   0   0 0        2         |
|          Z       88888    0  0  0   0  0  0     222          |
|         Z       8     8   0 0   0   0 0   0    2             |
|        Z        8     8    0   0     0   0    2              |
|       ZZZZZZZ    88888      000       000     2222222        |
|                                                              |
|        Z8002 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary          |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                    _________    _________                    |
|                  _|         \__/         |_  _____           |
|        <--> AD9 |_|1                   40|_| AD0 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <--> AD10 |_|2                   39|_| AD8 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <--> AD11 |_|3                   38|_| AD7 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <--> AD12 |_|4                   37|_| AD6 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <--> AD13 |_|5                   36|_| AD4 <-->        |
|            ____  _|                      |_                  |
|        --> STOP |_|6                   35|_| AD5 <-->        |
|              __  _|                      |_                  |
|          --> Mi |_|7                   34|_| AD3 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <--> AD15 |_|8                   33|_| AD2 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|       <--> AD14 |_|9                   32|_| AD1 <-->        |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|             +5V |_|10                  31|_| GND             |
|              __  _|                      |_                  |
|          --> VI |_|11      Z8002       30|_| CLOCK <--       |
|             ___  _|                      |_  __              |
|         --> NVI |_|12                  29|_| AS -->          |
|             ___  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> NMI |_|13                  28|_| RESERVED        |
|           _____  _|                      |_    _             |
|       --> RESET |_|14                  27|_| B/W -->         |
|              __  _|                      |_    _             |
|          <-- Mo |_|15                  26|_| N/S -->         |
|            ____  _|                      |_    _             |
|        <-- MREQ |_|16                  25|_| R/W -->         |
|              __  _|                      |_  _____           |
|          <-- DS |_|17                  24|_| BUSAK -->       |
|                  _|                      |_  ____            |
|         <-- ST3 |_|18                  23|_| WAIT <--        |
|                  _|                      |_  _____           |
|         <-- ST2 |_|19                  22|_| BUSRQ <--       |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- ST1 |_|20                  21|_| ST0 -->         |
|                   |______________________|                   |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
|               Programming Research Group                     |
|               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
|               8-11 Keble Road                                |
|               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
|               England                                        |
|                                                              |
|               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
|                                                              |
|Created        October 1981                                   |
|Updated        April 1985                                     |
|Issue          1.2                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnemonic    |CZSPDH|Description                 |Notes        |
|ADCb   d,s  |****bb|Add with Carry              |d=d+s+C      |
|ADDa   d,s  |****bb|Add                         |d=d+s        |
|ANDb   d,s  |-**b--|Logical AND                 |d=d&s        |
|BITb   d,s  |-*----|Bit Test                    |Z=~d<s>      |
|CALL   d    |------|Call                        |-[SP]=PC,PC=d|
|CALR   d    |------|Call Relative               |-[SP]=PC,PC=d|
|CLRb   d    |------|Clear                       |d=0          |
|COMb   d    |-**b--|Complement                  |d=~d         |
|COMFLG f    |++++--|Complement Flag             |f=~f         |
|CPa    d,s  |****--|Compare                     |d-s          |
|CPDb   d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare and Decrement       |d-s,r=r-1    |
|CPDRb  d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare, Decrement and Rept |CPD till r=0 |
|CPIb   d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare and Increment       |d-s,r=r+1    |
|CPIRb  d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare, Increment and Rept |CPI till r=0 |
|CPSDb  d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare String and Decrement|d-s,r=r-1    |
|CPSDRb d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare String, Dec. and Rep|CPSD till r=0|
|CPSIb  d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare String and Increment|d-s,r=r+1    |
|CPSIRb d,s,c|?*?*--|Compare String, Inc. and Rep|CPSI till r=0|
|DAB    d    |***---|Decimal Adjust Byte         |d=BCD format |
|DECb   d,s  |-***--|Decrement (s=1-16)          |d=d-s        |
|DI     i    |------|Disable Interrupts          |            #|
|DIVl   d,s  |****--|Divide                      |d=d/s        |
|DbJNZ  r,d  |------|Decrement & Jump if Not Zero|r=r-1        |
|EI     i    |------|Enable Interrupts           |            #|
|EXb    d,s  |------|Exchange                    |d<->s        |
|EXTSa  d    |------|Extend Signs                |             |
|HALT        |------|Halt                        |            #|
|pINb   d,s  |------|(Special) Input             |d=s         #|
|INCb   d,s  |-***--|Increment (s=1-16)          |d=d+s        |
|pINDb  d,s,r|---*--|(Special) Input and Dec.    |d=s,r=r-1   #|
|pINDRb d,s,r|---1--|(Special) Input, Dec. & Rept|IND till r-0#|
|pINIb  d,s,r|---*--|(Special) Input and Inc.    |d=s,r=r+1   #|
|pINIRb d,s,r|---1--|(Special) Input, Inc. & Rept|INI till r=0#|
|IRET        |??????|Interrupt Return            |PS=[SP]+    #|
|JP     cc,d |------|Jump                        |PC=d         |
|JR     cc,d |------|Jump Relative               |PC=d         |
|LDa    d,s  |------|Load                        |d=s          |
|LDA    d,s  |------|Load Address                |d=EAs        |
|LDAR   d,s  |------|Load Address Relative       |d=EAs        |
|LDCTL  d,s  |++++++|Load Control                |d=s         #|
|LDCTLB d,s  |++++++|Load Control Byte           |d=s          |
|LDDb   d,s,r|---*--|Load and Decrement          |d=s,r=r-1    |
|LDDRb  d,s,r|---1--|Load, Decrement and Repeat  |LDD till r=0 |
|LDIb   d,s,r|---*--|Load and Increment          |d=s,r=r+1    |
|LDIRb  d,s,r|---1--|Load, Increment and Repeat  |LDI till r=0 |
|LDK    d,s  |------|Load Constant (s=0-15)      |d=s          |
|LDM    d,s,n|------|Load Multiple (n=1-16)      |d=s (n words)|
|LDPS   s    |??????|Load Program Status         |PS=s        #|
|LDRa   d,s  |------|Load Relative               |d=s          |
|MBIT        |??*???|Multi-Micro Bit Test        |S=~MI pin   #|
|MREQ   d    |-**---|Multi-Micro Request         |S=available #|
|MRES        |------|Multi-Micro Reset           |~MI=high    #|
|MSET        |------|Multi-Micro Set             |~MO=low     #|
|MULTl  d,s  |***0--|Multiply                    |d=d*s        |
|NEGb   d    |****--|Negate                      |d=-d         |
|NOP         |------|No Operation                |             |
|ORb    d,s  |-**b--|Logical inclusive OR        |d=dvs        |
|pOTDRb d,s,r|---1--|(Special) Output, Dec. & Rep|OTD till r=0#|
|pOTIRb d,s,r|---1--|(Special) Output, Inc. & Rep|OTI till r=0#|
|pOUTb  d,s  |------|(Special) Output            |d=s         #|
|pOUTDb d,s,r|---*--|(Special) Output and Dec.   |d=s,r=r=1   #|
|pOUTIb d,s,r|---*--|(Special) Output and Inc.   |d=s,r=r+1   #|
|POPl   d,s  |------|Pop                         |d=s,[EAs]+   |
|PUSHl  d,s  |------|Push                        |-[EAs],d=s   |
|RESb   d,s  |------|Reset Bit                   |d<s>=0       |
|RESFLG f    |++++--|Reset Flag                  |f=0          |
|RET    cc   |------|Return                      |PC=[SP]+     |
|RLb    d,s  |****--|Rotate Left                 |d=d<-s       |
|RLCb   d,s  |****--|Rotate Left through Carry   |d={C,d}<-s   |
|RLDB   ll,s |-*?---|Rotate Left Digit Byte      |s={ll,s}<-4  |
|RRb    d,s  |****--|Rotate Right                |d=s->d       |
|RRCb   d,s  |****--|Rotate Right through Carry  |d=s->{C,d}   |
|RRDB   ll,s |-*?---|Rotate Right Digit Byte     |s=4->{ll,s}  |
|SBC    d,s  |****bb|Subtract with Carry         |d=d-s-C      |
|SC     s    |------|System Call (-[SP]={PS,ins})|PS=sys PS   #|
|SDAa   d,s  |****--|Shift Dynamic Arithmetic    |d={1,d,0}<-s |
|Mnemonic    |CZSPDH|Description                 |Notes        |
|SDLa   d,s  |***?--|Shift Dynamic Logical       |d={0,d,0}<-s |
|SETb   d,s  |------|Set Bit                     |d<s>=1       |
|SETFLG f    |++++--|Set Flag                    |f=1          |
|SLAa   d,s  |****--|Shift Left Arithmetic       |d={d,0}<-s   |
|SLLa   d,s  |***?--|Shift Left Logical          |d={d,0}<-s   |
|SRAa   d,s  |***0--|Shift Right Arithmetic      |d=s->{1,d}   |
|SRLa   d,s  |***?--|Shift Right Logical         |d=s->{0,d}   |
|SUBa   d,s  |****bb|Subtract                    |d=d-s        |
|TCCb   cc,d |------|Test Condition Code         |If cc d<0>=1 |
|TESTa  d    |-***--|Test                        |dv0          |
|TRDB   d,s,r|-?-*--|Translate and Decrement     |d=s[d],r=r-1 |
|TRDRB  d,s,r|-?-1--|Translate, Dec. and Repeat  |TRDB till r=0|
|TRIB   d,s,r|-?-*--|Translate and Increment     |d=s[d],r=r+1 |
|TRIRB  d,s,r|-?-1--|Translate, Inc. and Repeat  |TRIB till r=0|
|TRTDB  s,s,r|-*-*--|Translate, Test and Dec.    |RH1=s2[s1],..|
|TRTDRB s,s,r|-*-*--|Translate, Test, Dec. & Rept|TRTDB till...|
|TRTIB  s,s,r|-*-*--|Translate, Test and Inc.    |RH1=s2[s1],..|
|TRTIRB s,s,r|-*-*--|Translate, Test, Inc. & Rept|TRTIB till...|
|TSETb  d    |--*---|Test and Set                |{S,d}=d<MSB> |
|XOR    d,s  |-**b--|Logical Exclusive OR        |d=dxs        |
| FCW        |-*01? |Unaffected/affected/reset/set/unknown     |
|            |+b    |Optionally affected/affected for byte only|
| C          |C     |Carry flag (Bit 7)                        |
| Z          | Z    |Zero flag (Bit 6)                         |
| S          |  S   |Sign flag (Bit 5)                         |
| D          |   D  |Decimal adjust flag (Bit 4)               |
| P/V        |    P |Parity/Overflow flag (Bit 3)              |
| H          |     H|Half carry flag (Bit 2)                   |
| #n  #nn  #nnnn    |Immediate data mode (IM, 4/8/16/32-bit)   |
| r                 |Register addressing mode (R)              |
| @r                |Indirect Register mode (IR)               |
| nn  |nn|          |Direct Addressing mode (DA)               |
| nn[Rn]            |Indexed Addressing mode (X, not R0)       |
| $+nn  nn          |Relative Addressing mode (RA)             |
| RRn[#nn]          |Based Addressing mode (BA, not RR0)       |
| RRn[Rn]           |Based Indexed addressing mode (BX, not R0)|
|AVAL nnnn(,...)    |Define Address Value(s)                   |
|BVAL n(,...)       |Define Byte Value(s)                      |
|EVEN               |Set program counter to Even address       |
|LVAL nnnn(,...)    |Define Long word Value(s)                 |
|WVAL nn(,...)      |Define Word Value(s)                      |
| FCW               |Flag Control Word (16-bit)                |
| PC                |Program Counter (32-bit)                  |
| PSAP              |Program Status Area Pointer (32-bit)      |
| REFRESH           |Refresh control register (16-bit)         |
| RLn               |Low byte register (8-bit, n=0-7)          |
| RHn               |High byte register (8-bit, n=0-7)         |
| Rn                |Word register (16-bit, n=0-15)            |
| RRn               |Double word register (32-bit, n=0-14,even)|
| RQn               |Quadruple word reg. (64-bit, n=0/4/8/12)  |
| RR14              |Used as stack pointer (32-bit)            |
| a                 |Blank, B or L (Word/Byte/Long operation)  |
| b                 |Blank or B (Word/Byte operation)          |
| c                 |Condition (r,cc)                          |
| cc                |Condition Code (F/Z/NZ/C/NC/PL/MI/NE/EQ/  |
|                   | OV/NOV/PE/PO/GE/LT/GT/LE/UGE/ULT/UGT/ULE)|
| d  d<X>           |Destination/Bit X of Destination          |
| f                 |Flag(s) (C/Z/S/P/V)                       |
| i                 |Interrupt (VI/NVI)                        |
| l                 |Blank or L (Word/Long word operation)     |
| ll                |Link Location (bottom 4 bits of register) |
| n  nn  nnnn       |Constant expression (8/16/32-bit)         |
| p                 |Blank or S (Normal/Special operation)     |
| r                 |Register (RLn/RHn/Rn/RRn/RQn)             |
| s  EAs            |Source/Effective Address of Source        |
| +  -  *  /        |Arithmetic add/subtract/multiply/divide   |
| &  ~  v  x        |Logical AND/NOT/inclusive OR/exclusive OR |
| <-X  X->          |Rotate left/right by X bits               |
| [ ]  [ ]+  -[ ]   |Indirect address/auto-increment/decrement |
| { }  #            |Combination of operands/privileged instr. |
| |nn|              |Short offset (0-255)                      |