Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [insdesc.txt (text file)]

**             Z80 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary             **

|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                            Zilog                             |
|                                                              |
|                 ZZZZZZZ    88888      000                    |
|                      Z    8     8    0   0                   |
|                     Z     8     8   0   0 0                  |
|                    Z       88888    0  0  0                  |
|                   Z       8     8   0 0   0                  |
|                  Z        8     8    0   0                   |
|                 ZZZZZZZ    88888      000                    |
|                                                              |
|          Z80 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary          |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                    _________    _________                    |
|                  _|         \__/         |_                  |
|         <-- A11 |_|1                   40|_| A10 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- A12 |_|2                   39|_| A9 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- A13 |_|3                   38|_| A8 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- A14 |_|4                   37|_| A7 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- A15 |_|5                   36|_| A6 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         --> CLK |_|6                   35|_| A5 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D4 |_|7                   34|_| A4 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D3 |_|8                   33|_| A3 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D5 |_|9                   32|_| A2 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D6 |_|10        Z80       31|_| A1 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|             +5V |_|11                  30|_| A0 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|         <--> D2 |_|12                  29|_| GND             |
|                  _|                      |_  ____            |
|         <--> D7 |_|13                  28|_| RFSH -->        |
|                  _|                      |_  __              |
|         <--> D0 |_|14                  27|_| M1 -->          |
|                  _|                      |_  _____           |
|         <--> D1 |_|15                  26|_| RESET <--       |
|             ___  _|                      |_  _____           |
|         --> INT |_|16                  25|_| BUSRQ <--       |
|             ___  _|                      |_  ____            |
|         --> NMI |_|17                  24|_| WAIT <--        |
|            ____  _|                      |_  ____            |
|        <-- HALT |_|18                  23|_| BUSAK -->       |
|            ____  _|                      |_  __              |
|        <-- MREQ |_|19                  22|_| WR -->          |
|            ____  _|                      |_  __              |
|        <-- IORQ |_|20                  21|_| RD -->          |
|                   |______________________|                   |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
|               Programming Research Group                     |
|               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
|               8-11 Keble Road                                |
|               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
|               England                                        |
|                                                              |
|               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
|                                                              |
|Created        August 1981                                    |
|Updated        April 1985                                     |
|Issue          1.3                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|

|Mnemonic  |SZHPNC|Description          |Notes                 |
|ADC A,s   |***V0*|Add with Carry       |A=A+s+CY              |
|ADC HL,ss |**?V0*|Add with Carry       |HL=HL+ss+CY           |
|ADD A,s   |***V0*|Add                  |A=A+s                 |
|ADD HL,ss |--?-0*|Add                  |HL=HL+ss              |
|ADD IX,pp |--?-0*|Add                  |IX=IX+pp              |
|ADD IY,rr |--?-0*|Add                  |IY=IY+rr              |
|AND s     |***P00|Logical AND          |A=A&s                 |
|BIT b,m   |?*1?0-|Test Bit             |m&{2^b}               |
|CALL cc,nn|------|Conditional Call     |If cc CALL            |
|CALL nn   |------|Unconditional Call   |-[SP]=PC,PC=nn        |
|CCF       |--?-0*|Complement Carry Flag|CY=~CY                |
|CP s      |***V1*|Compare              |A-s                   |
|CPD       |****1-|Compare and Decrement|A-[HL],HL=HL-1,BC=BC-1|
|CPDR      |****1-|Compare, Dec., Repeat|CPD till A=[HL]or BC=0|
|CPI       |****1-|Compare and Increment|A-[HL],HL=HL+1,BC=BC-1|
|CPIR      |****1-|Compare, Inc., Repeat|CPI till A=[HL]or BC=0|
|CPL       |--1-1-|Complement           |A=~A                  |
|DAA       |***P-*|Decimal Adjust Acc.  |A=BCD format          |
|DEC s     |***V1-|Decrement            |s=s-1                 |
|DEC xx    |------|Decrement            |xx=xx-1               |
|DEC ss    |------|Decrement            |ss=ss-1               |
|DI        |------|Disable Interrupts   |                      |
|DJNZ e    |------|Dec., Jump Non-Zero  |B=B-1 till B=0        |
|EI        |------|Enable Interrupts    |                      |
|EX [SP],HL|------|Exchange             |[SP]<->HL             |
|EX [SP],xx|------|Exchange             |[SP]<->xx             |
|EX AF,AF' |------|Exchange             |AF<->AF'              |
|EX DE,HL  |------|Exchange             |DE<->HL               |
|EXX       |------|Exchange             |qq<->qq'   (except AF)|
|HALT      |------|Halt                 |                      |
|IM n      |------|Interrupt Mode       |             (n=0,1,2)|
|IN A,[n]  |------|Input                |A=[n]                 |
|IN r,[C]  |***P0-|Input                |r=[C]                 |
|INC r     |***V0-|Increment            |r=r+1                 |
|INC [HL]  |***V0-|Increment            |[HL]=[HL]+1           |
|INC xx    |------|Increment            |xx=xx+1               |
|INC [xx+d]|***V0-|Increment            |[xx+d]=[xx+d]+1       |
|INC ss    |------|Increment            |ss=ss+1               |
|IND       |?*??1-|Input and Decrement  |[HL]=[C],HL=HL-1,B=B-1|
|INDR      |?1??1-|Input, Dec., Repeat  |IND till B=0          |
|INI       |?*??1-|Input and Increment  |[HL]=[C],HL=HL+1,B=B-1|
|INIR      |?1??1-|Input, Inc., Repeat  |INI till B=0          |
|JP [HL]   |------|Unconditional Jump   |PC=[HL]               |
|JP [xx]   |------|Unconditional Jump   |PC=[xx]               |
|JP nn     |------|Unconditional Jump   |PC=nn                 |
|JP cc,nn  |------|Conditional Jump     |If cc JP              |
|JR e      |------|Unconditional Jump   |PC=PC+e               |
|JR cc,e   |------|Conditional Jump     |If cc JR(cc=C,NC,NZ,Z)|
|LD dst,src|------|Load                 |dst=src               |
|LD A,i    |**0*0-|Load                 |A=i            (i=I,R)|
|LDD       |--0*0-|Load and Decrement   |[DE]=[HL],HL=HL-1,#   |
|LDDR      |--000-|Load, Dec., Repeat   |LDD till BC=0         |
|LDI       |--0*0-|Load and Increment   |[DE]=[HL],HL=HL+1,#   |
|LDIR      |--000-|Load, Inc., Repeat   |LDI till BC=0         |
|NEG       |***V1*|Negate               |A=-A                  |
|NOP       |------|No Operation         |                      |
|OR s      |***P00|Logical inclusive OR |A=Avs                 |
|OTDR      |?1??1-|Output, Dec., Repeat |OUTD till B=0         |
|OTIR      |?1??1-|Output, Inc., Repeat |OUTI till B=0         |
|OUT [C],r |------|Output               |[C]=r                 |
|OUT [n],A |------|Output               |[n]=A                 |
|OUTD      |?*??1-|Output and Decrement |[C]=[HL],HL=HL-1,B=B-1|
|OUTI      |?*??1-|Output and Increment |[C]=[HL],HL=HL+1,B=B-1|
|POP xx    |------|Pop                  |xx=[SP]+              |
|POP qq    |------|Pop                  |qq=[SP]+              |
|PUSH xx   |------|Push                 |-[SP]=xx              |
|PUSH qq   |------|Push                 |-[SP]=qq              |
|RES b,m   |------|Reset bit            |m=m&{~2^b}            |
|RET       |------|Return               |PC=[SP]+              |
|RET cc    |------|Conditional Return   |If cc RET             |
|RETI      |------|Return from Interrupt|PC=[SP]+              |
|RETN      |------|Return from NMI      |PC=[SP]+              |
|RL m      |**0P0*|Rotate Left          |m={CY,m}<-            |
|RLA       |--0-0*|Rotate Left Acc.     |A={CY,A}<-            |
|RLC m     |**0P0*|Rotate Left Circular |m=m<-                 |
|RLCA      |--0-0*|Rotate Left Circular |A=A<-                 |

|Mnemonic  |SZHPNC|Description          |Notes                 |
|RLD       |**0P0-|Rotate Left 4 bits   |{A,[HL]}={A,[HL]}<- ##|
|RR m      |**0P0*|Rotate Right         |m=->{CY,m}            |
|RRA       |--0-0*|Rotate Right Acc.    |A=->{CY,A}            |
|RRC m     |**0P0*|Rotate Right Circular|m=->m                 |
|RRCA      |--0-0*|Rotate Right Circular|A=->A                 |
|RRD       |**0P0-|Rotate Right 4 bits  |{A,[HL]}=->{A,[HL]} ##|
|RST p     |------|Restart              | (p=0H,8H,10H,...,38H)|
|SBC A,s   |***V1*|Subtract with Carry  |A=A-s-CY              |
|SBC HL,ss |**?V1*|Subtract with Carry  |HL=HL-ss-CY           |
|SCF       |--0-01|Set Carry Flag       |CY=1                  |
|SET b,m   |------|Set bit              |m=mv{2^b}             |
|SLA m     |**0P0*|Shift Left Arithmetic|m=m*2                 |
|SRA m     |**0P0*|Shift Right Arith.   |m=m/2                 |
|SRL m     |**0P0*|Shift Right Logical  |m=->{0,m,CY}          |
|SUB s     |***V1*|Subtract             |A=A-s                 |
|XOR s     |***P00|Logical Exclusive OR |A=Axs                 |
| F        |-*01? |Flag unaffected/affected/reset/set/unknown  |
| S        |S     |Sign flag (Bit 7)                           |
| Z        | Z    |Zero flag (Bit 6)                           |
| HC       |  H   |Half Carry flag (Bit 4)                     |
| P/V      |   P  |Parity/Overflow flag (Bit 2, V=overflow)    |
| N        |    N |Add/Subtract flag (Bit 1)                   |
| CY       |     C|Carry flag (Bit 0)                          |
| n               |Immediate addressing                        |
| nn              |Immediate extended addressing               |
| e               |Relative addressing (PC=PC+2+offset)        |
| [nn]            |Extended addressing                         |
| [xx+d]          |Indexed addressing                          |
| r               |Register addressing                         |
| [rr]            |Register indirect addressing                |
|                 |Implied addressing                          |
| b               |Bit addressing                              |
| p               |Modified page zero addressing (see RST)     |
|DEFB n(,...)     |Define Byte(s)                              |
|DEFB 'str'(,...) |Define Byte ASCII string(s)                 |
|DEFS nn          |Define Storage Block                        |
|DEFW nn(,...)    |Define Word(s)                              |
| A  B  C  D  E   |Registers (8-bit)                           |
| AF  BC  DE  HL  |Register pairs (16-bit)                     |
| F               |Flag register (8-bit)                       |
| I               |Interrupt page address register (8-bit)     |
| IX IY           |Index registers (16-bit)                    |
| PC              |Program Counter register (16-bit)           |
| R               |Memory Refresh register                     |
| SP              |Stack Pointer register (16-bit)             |
| b               |One bit (0 to 7)                            |
| cc              |Condition (C,M,NC,NZ,P,PE,PO,Z)             |
| d               |One-byte expression (-128 to +127)          |
| dst             |Destination s, ss, [BC], [DE], [HL], [nn]   |
| e               |One-byte expression (-126 to +129)          |
| m               |Any register r, [HL] or [xx+d]              |
| n               |One-byte expression (0 to 255)              |
| nn              |Two-byte expression (0 to 65535)            |
| pp              |Register pair BC, DE, IX or SP              |
| qq              |Register pair AF, BC, DE or HL              |
| qq'             |Alternative register pair AF, BC, DE or HL  |
| r               |Register A, B, C, D, E, H or L              |
| rr              |Register pair BC, DE, IY or SP              |
| s               |Any register r, value n, [HL] or [xx+d]     |
| src             |Source s, ss, [BC], [DE], [HL], nn, [nn]    |
| ss              |Register pair BC, DE, HL or SP              |
| xx              |Index register IX or IY                     |
| +  -  *  /  ^   |Add/subtract/multiply/divide/exponent       |
| &  ~  v  x      |Logical AND/NOT/inclusive OR/exclusive OR   |
| <-  ->          |Rotate left/right                           |
| [ ]             |Indirect addressing                         |
| [ ]+  -[ ]      |Indirect addressing auto-increment/decrement|
| { }             |Combination of operands                     |
| #               |Also BC=BC-1,DE=DE-1                        |
| ##              |Only lower 4 bits of accumulator A used     |

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