Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [1942.txt (text file)]


Solder Side         Parts Side

GND            A 1   GND
+5             B 2   +5
+12            C 3   +12
GND            D 4   GND
Speaker -      E 5   Speaker -
Speaker +      F 6   Speaker +
Coin Counter - H 7   Coin Counter +
key            J 8   key
Shoot 1        K 9   Up 1
Down 1         L 10  Left 1
Right 1        M 11  GND 1
Shoot 2        N 12  Up 2
Down 2         P 13  Left 2
Right 2        R 14  GND 2
2 Player start S 15  GND
1 Player start T 16  GND
Coin Switch    U 17  GND
Service Switch V 18  GND
unused         W 19  Loop 1
unused         X 20  Loop 2
unused         Y 21  Vid GND
Sync           Z 22  Red
Green          a 23  Blue
unused         b 24  unused
unused         c 25  unused
unused         d 26  unused
+5             e 27  *
GND            f 28  GND

* Pin 27 was blank in the manual, but it's probably +5v.

From: ub2f@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de (Ralph Kimmlingen)
Date: 5. Oct 1995

                  yet another Capcom "1942" pinout

                Solder Side |  PIN  | Component Side
                       N.C. | A | 1 | +5V
                        +5V | B | 2 | +5V
                       +12V | C | 3 | +12V
                       GND  | D | 4 | GND
                       GND  | E | 5 | GND
                   Speaker+ | F | 6 | Speaker+
                            | H | 7 |  
                      N.C.  | J | 8 | N.C.
                      Fire  | K | 9 | Up
                      Down  | L | 10| Left
                      Right | M | 11| GND
                            | N | 12|  
                            | P | 13|  
                            | R | 14| GND
                     Start2 | S | 15| GND
                     Start1 | T | 16| GND
                       Coin | U | 17| GND
                       Coin | V | 18| GND
                            | W | 19| Loop 
                       Coin | X | 20| 
                       Sync | Y | 21| Red
                      Green | Z | 22| Blue

Note: Speaker- and VideoGND can be connected to GND.


Adjustment  Options                                 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
----------  --------------------------------------  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Players     Five (5)                                +  +
            Two (2) *                               +  -
            One (1)                                 -  +
            Three (3)                               -  -

Bonus       30,000; 100,000; every 100,000 after          +  +
 Ships      30,000; 80,000; every 80,000 after            +  -
            20,000; 100,000; every 100,000 after          -  +
            20,000; 80,000; every 80,000 after *          -  -

Specifi-    Upright specification *                             +
 cation     Table-top specification                             -

Coin 1      Free play                                              +  +  +
            1 credit = 4 coins                                     +  +  -
            1 credit = 3 coins                                     +  -  +
            3 credits = 2 coins                                    +  -  -
            1 credit = 2 coins                                     -  +  +
            4 credits = 1 coin                                     -  +  -
            2 credits = 1 coin                                     -  -  +
            1 credit = 1 coin *                                    -  -  -


Adjustment  Options                                 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
----------  --------------------------------------  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
Screen      Stop                                    +
 Stop       Normal *                                -

Difficulty  Very                                       +  +
            Difficult                                  +  -
            Easy                                       -  +
            Normal *                                   -  -

Screen      Screen turn                                      +
 Turn       Normal *                                         -

Test mode   Test mode on                                        +
            Test mode off *                                     -

Coin 2      Free play                                              +  +  +
            1 credit = 4 coins                                     +  +  -
            1 credit = 3 coins                                     +  -  +
            3 credits = 2 coins                                    +  -  -
            1 credit = 2 coins                                     -  +  +
            4 credits = 1 coin                                     -  +  -
            2 credits = 1 coin                                     -  -  +
            1 credit = 1 coin *                                    -  -  -

+ = ON  - = OFF  * = Default or recommended setting
