Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [Atari_sys1.txt (text file)]

I typed these up for someone and thought I may as well post them :-)  I'll send a copy to wiretap as well.  

Atari System-1 Motherboard Pinouts taken from the Schematics.

Typed by:  Michael Stormoen  (mike@2084.com)

 1 Vid Rtn
 2 Blue
 3 Green
 4 Red
 5 V Sync
 6 key
 7 Comp Sync
 8 H Sync
 1  +5
 2  Coin Counter
 3  Coin Counter 2
 4  Unused
 5  Self Test
 6  Aux Coin Switch
 7  Unused
 8  Key
 9  Left Coin SW
 10 Right Coin SW
 11 Gnd
 1 Self Test
 2 Right Rtn (ground for audio)
 3 Right Audio (to amp section on AR/III board)
 4 Left Rtn (ground for audio)
 5 Key
 6 Left Audio  (to amp section on AR/III board)
 1  RTN (ground)
 2  + sense
 3  +5
 4  +10.3 V Reset
 5  - sense
 6  -15
 7  unused
 8  RTN (ground)
 9  +15
 10 +5
 11 +5
 12 RTN (ground0
Control panel wiring varies from game to game...
Here's what's on the schematics:
 1  +5
 2  n/c
 3  LED 2
 4  LED 1
 5  Key
 6  SW 5
 7  SW 2
 8  SW 4
 9  SW 1
 10 SW 3
 11 GND
 1  +5
 2  Up 2 / Vert. 4
 3  Dn 2 / Horz. 4
 4  Lt 2 / Vert. 3
 5  Rt 1 / Horz. 1
 6  Rt 2 / Horz. 3
 7  Lt 1 / Vert. 1
 8  Up 1 / Vert. 2
 9  DN 1 / Horz. 2
 10 Key
 11 GND
 1  +5
 2  Horz Clk 2
 3  Horz Dir 2
 4  Vert Clk 2
 5  Vert Dir 2
 6  Horz Clk 1
 7  Horz Dir 1
 8  Vert Clk 1
 9  Key
 10 Vert Dir 1
 11 GND