Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [Cherry_Master.txt (text file)]

Cherry Master, Dyna Co. LTD

              COMPONENT  |  SOLDER
               Red   | 1 | A |   Green 
              Blue   | 2 | B |   Sync
           Speaker   | 3 | C |   Speaker GND
                     | 4 | D |   
                     | 5 | E |   
                     | 6 | F |   
                     | 7 | G |   
           Service   | 8 | H |   
             Start   | 9 | I |   
        Odds/Small   |10 | J |   
               Bet   |11 | K |   
        Take Score   |12 | L |   
         Double Up   |13 | M |   
                     |14 | N |   
                     |15 | O |   
               Big   |16 | P |   
                     |17 | Q |   
            Coin A   |18 | R |   Key In
            Coin C   |19 | S |   Coin D
          Analyzer   |20 | T |   Confirm
           Pay Out   |21 | U |   Key Down
       Hopper Full   |22 | V |   Hopper Switch
         Counter A   |23 | W |   
Counter B (Key In)   |24 | X |   
         Counter C   |25 | Y |   
Counter D (Hopper)   |26 | Z |   
    Counter Hopper   |27 | a |   Lack of Hopper Counter
  Counter Key Down   |28 | b |   
        Lamp Start   |29 | c |
        Lamp Small   |30 | d |
          Lamp Bet   |31 | e |
   Lamp Take Score   |32 | f |
    Lamp Double Up   |33 | g |
          Lamp Big   |34 | h |
                     |35 | i |
               GND   |36 | j |   GND

              COMPONENT  |  SOLDER
               GND   | 1 | A |   GND               Counter +V dipens on Spec. of voltage.
               GND   | 2 | B |   GND               Please connect +5V or +12V 
               +5V   | 3 | C |   +5V
               +5V   | 4 | D |   +5V
              +12V   | 5 | E |   +12V
        Counter +V   | 6 | F |   
    --------Hopper   | 7 | G |   Hopper-----+-----\     ================
   |                 | 8 | H |              |      \--o|| Hopper Motor ||o-------o 
   |           GND   | 9 | I |   GND        |           ================         AC 100 V
   |           GND   |10 | J |   GND        |                              |-----o        
   |                      \                 |                              | 
   |--------------------o- \o---------------                               |

Dip sw.5
--------                1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
 Gal Face Display       -                        Off
                        +                        On
 Coin in Limit             +  +                  20000
                           -  +                  10000
                           +  -                  5000
                           -  -                  1000
 Bonus Game Entry Condition      +  +            3-2-1
                                 -  +            6-3-1
                                 +  -            9-5-1
                                 -  -            12-7-1
 W-Up Stage Girl Display               +         On
                                       -         Off
 Sell Stop Panel Type                     -  -   A
                                          +  -   B
                                          -  +   A
                                          +  +   Stop Off

Setting "Skill Stop OFF" (DIP SW: 5-7,8) renders "ALL STOP" button inactive.
