Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [Guzzler.txt (text file)]

Guzzler, Tehkan

              COMPONENT  |  SOLDER
           2P.Left   | 1 | A |   2P.Right
           2P.Down   | 2 | B |   2P.Up
                     | 3 | C |   2P.Discharge
                     | 4 | D |   
           1P.Left   | 5 | E |   1P.Right
           1P.Down   | 6 | F |   1P.Up
                     | 7 | G |   1P.Discharge
                     | 8 | H |   
          2P.Start   | 9 | I |   1P.Start
            Coin A   |10 | J |   Coin B
               GND   |11 | K |   GND
               GND   |12 | L |   GND
               GND   |13 | M |   GND
            Spaker   |14 | N |   Speaker
              +12V   |15 | O |   +12V
                     |16 | P |   
               +5V   |17 | Q |   +5V
               +5V   |18 | R |   +5V

TV 6 P Connector
1  Blue
2  Green
3  Red
4  GND
5  Sync
6  GND

Dip sw. A
          1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
Coin A                      -  -  1Coin/1Play
                            +  -  1Coin/2Play
                            -  +  1Coin/3Play
                            +  +  1Coin/6Play
Coin B                -  -        1Coin/1Play
                      +  -        2Coin/1Play
                      -  +        1Coin/2Play
                      +  +        1Coin/3Play
Bonus AT        -  -              30000, 100000
                +  -              20000, 50000
                -  +              30000 Only
                +  +              No Bonus 
Guzzlers  -  -                    3
          +  -                    4
          -  +                    5
          +  +                    Free Play

Dip sw.B
--------                1  2  3  4    
 Type                   -                  Table
                        +                  Upright
 Registered Letters        -               10 Letters
                           +               3 Letters
 Difficulty                   -  -         Easy
                              +  -         Normal
                              -  +         Hard
                              +  +         Hardest



1) Sound amplifier for Guzzler PCB is the B.T.L. Both sound output lines
   can lead any point but GND.

2) Picture might get snow noise at max sound volume. In that case please
   try following modification.
