Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [Halleys_Comet.txt (text file)]

Halleys Komet

                              Connector "G"
                         COMPONENT  |  SOLDER
                            GND | 1 | A | GND
                                | 2 | B |           
                                | 3 | C |           
                                | 4 | D |
                    Speaker (+) | 5 | E | Speaker (-)
                            Key | 6 | F | Key
               Master Reset (*) | 7 | H | Power On RESET
                  Coin Switch 1 | 8 | J | Coin Switch 2
                 Coin Counter 1 | 9 | K | Coin Counter 2
                                |10 | L |               
                 Service Switch |11 | M | Tilt Switch
                       1P Start |12 | N | 2P Start
                          1P Up |13 | P | 2P Up
                        1P Down |14 | R | 2P Down
                       1P Right |15 | S | 2P Right
                        1P Left |16 | T | 2P Left
                                |17 | U | 
                                |18 | V |
                                |19 | W |
                                |20 | X |
                        1P Fire |21 | Y | 2P Fire
                        2P.Warp |22 | Z | 2P.Warp 

                  Connector "T"                          Connector "H"
                  =============                          =============
            COMPONENT  |  SOLDER                          Pin | Definition
           ----------------------                  --------------------------
               GND | 1 | A | GND                            1 | GND
               GND | 2 | B | GND                            2 | GND
               GND | 3 | C | GND                            3 | GND
               GND | 4 | D | GND                            4 | GND
             V-GND | 5 | E | V-GND                          5 | +5V
              SYNC | 6 | F | SYNC                           6 | +5V
               Key | 7 | H | Key                            7 | +5V
               Red | 8 | J | Red                            8 | -5V
             Green | 9 | K | Gree                           9 | +12V (unreg)
              Blue |10 | L | Blue                          10 | Key
               -5V |11 | M | -5V                           11 | +12V
               -5V |12 | N | -5V                           12 | +12V
              +12V |13 | P | +12V
              +12V |14 | R | +12V
               +5V |15 | S | +5V
               +5V |16 | T | +5V
               +5V |17 | U | +5V
               +5V |18 | V | +5V


If the power-on-reset circuit is not incorporated in the power suply unit, please add a circuit that can suply one positive-polatity pulse to the pin 7 of the G-connector of the Main P.C Board.

Pulse width t1=30mS - 150mS

Dip sw.2 
--------                1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  
 Always Off             -              -     -   Always Off
 Game Mode                 -                     Normal
                           +                     Free Play
 Start Round                  -  -  -            1
                              +  -  -            4
                              -  +  -            7
                              +  +  -            10
                              -  -  +            13
                              +  -  +            16
                              -  +  +            19
                              +  +  +            22
 Play Mode                                -      Normal
                                          +      No Hit

         Dip switch 3                 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
          Difficulty     |   B       |off off
                         |   A       |on  off
                         |   C       |off on
                         |   D       |on  on
         Bonus     | 200K/600K up to 6800K |  off off
         1st/Every | 200K/800K up to 8400K |  on  off
                   | 200K/1000K up to 9200K|  off on
                   | 100K/500K up to 5600K |  on  on
       Players        |    3      |                 off off
                      |    2      |                 on  off
                      |    4      |                 off on
 No Player is added ->|    4      |                 on  on
        Opreation      |When Fixed |                         on  on
        Data           |           |
        Recorder       |Not Fixed  |                         off off

        Dip switch 4             8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1
        Coin B    |1Coin/1Play| off off  
                  |1Coin/2Play| off on
                  |2Coin/1Play| on  off
                  |2Coin/3Play| on  on   
        Coin A    |1Coin/1Play|          off off
                  |1Coin/2Play|          off on
                  |2Coin/1Play|          on  off
                  |2Coin/3Play|          on  on
        Demo      |  ON       |                  off
        Sound     |  OFF      |                  on
        test      | normal    |                      off
        mode      |  test     |                      on
        screen    | Normal    |                          off
        inversion | Inversion |                          on
        game      |  TT       |                              off
        style     |  upright  |                              on

1. When Dip sw.3 is set at 5=ON and 6=ON, number of players ship is not increased 
   throughout game.

2. Coin mech system can be optioned by setting Dip sw.1 position 6=ON for single 
   coin selector. Position 6=OFF for twin coin selector.

3. Dip sw.2 is not used and all contacts should be set to OFF.
