Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [Krull.txt (text file)]


                        CPU MA-456 (A1)
                 SOLDER    |    COMPONENT
                    +5V |A | 1| GND
                    +5V |B | 2| GND
                    +5V |C | 3| Coin Return GND
                        |D | 4| 
                        |E | 5| 
             Coin Meter |F | 6| 
                        |H | 7| 
                        |J | 8| 
                        |K | 9| 
                        |L |10| 
           A6 P1-2 (SB) |M |11| 
                        |N |12| A6P1-4 (SB)
                        |P |13|  
               Player 1 |R |14| 
             Coin SW #1 |S |15| Player 2
                        |T |16| Select Test SW
                        |U |17| Step Test SW
                   Left |V |18| Fire-Right
                   Down |W |19| Fire-Up
                  Right |X |20| Fire-Left
              Fire-Down |Y |21| Up
            A6P1-8 (SB) |Z |22| A6P1-9 (SB)
           A6P1-11 (SB) |a |23| A6P1-12 (SB)
          Vertical Sync |b |24| RED
                        |c |25| BLUE
       Ground (monitor) |d |26| GREEN
        Horizontal Sync |e |27| +11.5V
                    +5V |f |28| GND
                    +5V |h |29| GND
                    +5V |j |30| GND

                        SOUND CARD MA-487 (A6)
                        | 1| +12V
                        | 2| A1P1-M (MLB)
                        | 3| -12V
                        | 4| A1P1-12 (MLB)
                        | 5| +5V
                        | 6| GND
                        | 7| Audio Output
                        | 8| A1P1-Z (MLB)
                        | 9| A1P1-22 (MLB)
                        |10| +16V
                        |11| A1P1-a (MLB)
                        |12| A1P1-23 (MLB)

                        CONTROL PANEL
                        | 1| 
                        | 2| Fire-Up
                        | 3| Fire-Right
                        | 4| Fire-Down
                        | 5| Fire-Left
                        | 6| Player 1
                        | 7| Player 2
                        | 8| 
                        | 9| 
                        |10| Left
                        |11| Up
                        |12| Right
                        |13| Down


 DIP 1         1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    
 ------        OFF                                     3 MEN
               ON                                      5
                   OFF                                 DEMO SOUND ON
                        OFF  OFF                       1/1  COIN/CREDIT
                        ON   OFF                       1/2
                        OFF  ON                        2/1
                        ON   ON                        FREE PLAY
                                   OFF                 ROVING HEX CONTROL
                                   ON                  STATIONARY HEX CONTROL
                                        OFF            NORMAL
                                        ON             HARD
                                             OFF  OFF  30K  EVERY 50K BONUS
                                             OFF  ON   40K        50K
                                             ON   OFF  30K        30K
                                             ON   ON   50K        75K
