Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [LunarLander.txt (text file)]

Typed in by Ray Ghanbari (ray@mayo.edu)

Lunar Lander Pinouts

            |    |    |    
        GND |  A |  1 | GND
        +5V |  B |  2 | +5V
            |  C |  3 |
    AUDIO 2 |  D |  4 | 
    AUDIO 1 |  E |  5 | COIN CTR
     POT IN |  F |  6 | LAMP 5
     LAMP 3 |  H |  7 | START/SELECT LED
     LAMP 2 |  J |  8 | LAMP 4
            |  K |  9 | SELF TEST
       SLAM |  L | 10 | 
      Z OUT |  M | 11 | Z GND
     COIN R |  N | 12 | 
     COIN L |  P | 13 | START
  ROT RIGHT |  S | 15 | ROT LEFT
    LED RTN |  T | 16 | 
      X GND |  U | 17 | X OUT
      Y GND |  V | 18 | Y OUT
            |  W | 19 | 
     36 VAC |  X | 10 | 36 VAC
        +5V |  Y | 21 | +SENSE
        GND |  Z | 22 | -SENSE
            |    |    |    


Thrust POT (pin F) is a 5kohm pot, but only a portion of the range is used.  Schematics indicate that the voltage expected at pin F ranges between 2-3.5V.  This means any size pot can be used, put put appropriate series resistors on either side of the pot so that the 5V supply is appropriately divided

Lamps are status indicators and not necessary for game play (LAMP 1 is always on, which is why there is no LAMP 1 pin)