Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [MoonPatrol.txt (text file)]

I previouly swapped the FAST/SLOW pinouts along with my other changes.
My harness was wired incorrectly and I am changing the FAST/SLOW back
to original position.

Typed in by Jonathan Deitch  (jdeitch@umiami.miami.edu)
Modified 1-11-95: Gary Ransom (ransom@lobby.ti.com)

Game: Moon Patrol
44 Pin Wiring List

       Solder Side                         Parts Side
             GND            | A | 1 |         GND
             GND            | B | 2 |         GND
                            | C | 3 |
                            | D | 4 |
                            | E | 5 |         SLOW
                            | F | 6 |         FAST
                            | H | 7 |         FIRE
  1 Player Start            | J | 8 |         2 Player Start
                            | K | 9 |
  Composite Sync (Video)    | L | 10|  
                            | M | 11|
         +12 V DC           | N | 12|
         Speaker            | P | 13|         Speaker
                            | R | 14|         JUMP
       Video Green          | S | 15|         Video Red
                            | T | 16|         Video Blue
                            | U | 17|
                            | V | 18|
     Coin Slot 1            | W | 19|         Coin Slot 2
        + 5 V DC            | X | 20|         + 5 V DC
        + 5 V DC            | Y | 21|         + 5 V DC
                            | Z | 22|         GND

Note: The silkscreen lettering on the PCB is numbered from 1 to 43 
      odd from the right to the left on the component side.  Pin 1
      above corresponds to pin 1 on the card.

Gary Ransom                      Internet:    ransom@lobby.ti.com
Texas Instruments, Inc.          TI-MSG:      GAR2
PO Box 660246  MS 3145           PHONE:       (214) 480-3073
Dallas, TX  75266                FAX:         (214) 480-2214