Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [NOVA2001.txt (text file)]

NOVA 2001
UPL 198?

typed up by: Ray Ghanbari <ray@mayo.edu>

*Note: typed up from manual.  Pinouts have not been verified

            Solder Side            |             Parts Side
               GND             | A | 1 |             GND               
               GND             | B | 2 |             GND
               -5              | C | 3 |             -5
               +5              | D | 4 |             +5
               +5              | E | 5 |             +5
               +12             | F | 6 |             +12
           Video Green         | H | 7 |         Video Blue
           Video Red           | J | 8 |         Video Gnd
          2P Sw 1 (shot)       | K | 9 |         Video Sync
                               | L | 10|       2P Sw 2 (pause)
           2P Right            | M | 11|          
           2P Down             | N | 12|          2P Left
                               | P | 13|           2P Up
                               | R | 14|        
           2P Start            | S | 15|        
            Coin In            | T | 16|         1P Start
        1P Sw 2 (pause)        | U | 17|       1P Sw 1 (shot)
                               | V | 18|       
           1P Left             | W | 19|         1P Right
            1P Up              | X | 20|         1P Down
             Gnd               | Y | 21|         Speaker
             Gnd               | Z | 22|         Speaker


NOVA 2001 switch settings
UPL 198?

typed up by: Ray Ghanbari <ray@mayo.edu>

*Note: typed up from manual.  Settings have not been verified

0 = OFF  1 = ON  X = Don't Care

1XXXXXXX   Upright cabinet
0XXXXXXX   Cocktail cabinet
X0XXXXXX   2 Ships per game
X1XXXXXX   3 ships per game
XX0XXXXX   1st extra ship at 20000
XX1XXXXX   1st extra ship at 30000
XXX00XXX   Extra ship at 60000 points
XXX01XXX   Extra ship at 70000 points
XXX10XXX   Extra ship at 90000 points
XXX11XXX   No extra ships (nil)
XXXXX0XX   1 Coin
XXXXX1XX   2 Coins
XXXXXX0X   1 Credit
XXXXXX1X   2 Credits
XXXXXXX0   Normal Play
XXXXXXX1   Free Play

11XXXXXX   Easy
00XXXXXX   Medium
01XXXXXX   Hard
10XXXXXX   Hardest
XX0XXXXX   No sound in demo mode
XX1XXXXX   Sound in demo mode
XXX1XXXX   3 letter name registration
XXX0XXXX   8 letter name registration
XXXXXXX0   Normal mode
XXXXXXX1   Test mode