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Document Title: [Rip_Off.txt (text file)]

Rip Off 

The following chart diagrams the switch setting of the option switches
for "RIP OFF".  The 7 station switch is located at position E-2 on the
logic board.

7   On = Diagnostic mode
6   On = option score
5   On = No sound in attract mode
4   Credit 0
3   Credit 1
2   Time   0
1   Time   1

               TABLE A

  Credit 1    Credit 0    Credits 
                         per coin
| ON       |  ON       |   1/1   |
| ON       |  OFF      |   3/2   |
| OFF      |  ON       |   1/2   |
| OFF      |  OFF      |   3/4   |

               TABLE B

  Time   1    Time   0    Units
                         per play 
| ON       |  ON       |   12    |
| ON       |  OFF      |   16    |
| OFF      |  ON       |    4    |
| ON       |  ON       |    8    |

Switch Descriptions

7 - Generates a test pattern for alignment purposes.
6 - Displays individual scores for each player or one combinded score
5 - Allows motor audio in attract mode.
4,3 - Credit per coin selectors definded in table A.
2,1 - Fuel cell selectors defined in table B. 
