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Document Title: [Star_Wars.txt (text file)]

Atari Star Wars 

        component side        solder side
        --------------        -----------
                   GND  A  1  GND
                   +5V  B  2  +5V
                        C  3  GND
                   -5V  D  4  GND
              10.3 VDC  E  5  
                        F  6  LED1 (NC)
            COIN CTR R  H  7  COIN CTR L
                 PITCH  J  8  
                   YAW  K  9  THRUST
                  SLAM  L 10  L FIRE/START
             SELF TEST  M 11  spare input (NC)
                COIN L  N 12  COIN R
              COIN AUX  P 13  GND
                   GND  R 14  R FIRE/START
               L THUMB  S 15  R THUMB
             diag (NC)  T 16  spare input (NC)
               AUDIO 1  U 17  AUDIO 2
                        V 18  10.3 VDC
                        W 19  
                        X 20  +12V
                        Y 21  +5 SENSE
                   GND  Z 22  GND SENSE

        Atari Star Wars vector generator board pinouts

        component side        solder side
        --------------        -----------
                   GND  A  1  GND
                   +5V  B  2  +5V
                  +12V  C  3  +22V
                        D  4  -22V
                        E  5  
                        F  6  RED
               RED GND  H  7  GREEN
             GREEN GND  J  8  BLUE
              BLUE GND  K  9  YOUT
                 Y GND  L 10  XOUT
                 X GND  M 11  spare color output (NC)
                  -22V  N 12  
                  +22V  P 13  
                   +5V  R 14  +5V SENSE
                   GND  S 15  GND SENSE


1     2     3    4    5    6    7   8   options
On   On                                6 starting shields
Off  On                                7 starting shields
On   Off                               8 starting shields
Off  Off                               9 starting sheilds
           On   On                     easy game play
           Off  On                     moderate gaem play
           On   Off                    hard game play
           Off  Off                    hardest game play
                      On  On           0 bonus shields for dest. Death Star
                      Off On           1 bonus shield for dest. Death Star
                      On  Off          2 bonus shields for dest. Death Star
                      Off Off          3 bonus shields for dest. Death Star
                                On     Music in Attract mode
                                Off    No music in Attract mode
                                    On Freeze Mode
                                   Off Normal game play
