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Document Title: [Gyruss.txt (text file)]


From: woodcock@crchh75b.bnr.ca (Gregg Woodcock)

Well what may have happened is that there was one PCB design for the
standup and one for the cocktail machine.  My cocktail machine has 2
volume controls and the "extra" DIP switches and the manual that I
have (that says, "Gyruss cocktail table service manual") documents
them both.  The DIP switches (from the manual) are:


1. Dip Switch No.1 (8P Dip Switch)
                ^^[sic; no space]
  v-------------[sic; "O" instead of "o"]
|  1 |  1  |Off|Off|Off|Off|Off|Off|Off|Off|
|  1 |  2  |On |Off|Off|Off|On |Off|Off|Off|
|  1 |  3  |Off|On |Off|Off|Off|On |Off|Off|
|  1 |  4  |On |On |Off|Off|On |On |Off|Off|
|  1 |  5  |Off|Off|On |Off|Off|Off|On |Off|
|  1 |  6  |On |Off|On |Off|On |Off|On |Off|
|  1 |  7  |Off|On |On |Off|Off|On |On |Off|
|  2 |  1  |On |On |On |Off|On |On |On |Off|
|  2 |  3  |Off|Off|Off|On |Off|Off|Off|On |
|  2 |  5  |On |Off|Off|On |On |Off|Off|On |
|  3 |  1  |Off|On |Off|On |Off|On |Off|On |
|  3 |  2  |On |On |Off|On |On |On |Off|On |
|  3 |  4  |Off|Off|On |On |Off|Off|On |On |
|  4 |  1  |On |Off|On |On |On |Off|On |On |
|  4 |  3  |Off|On |On |On |Off|On |On |On |
|FREE PLAY |On |On |On |On |On |On |On |On |

2. Dip Switch No. 2 (8P Dip Switch)

   Number of Spaceships           Game Type
+------+---+---+               +-----------+--------------+
|Number|SW1|SW2|               |Style   SW3|    Players   |
+------+---+---+               +-----------+--------------+
| * 3  |Off|Off|               |Table   Off|1 or 2 Players|
|   4  |On |Off|               |Upright Off|Only 1 Player |
|   5  |Off|On |               +-----------+--------------+
| 256  |On |On |[sic; no divider line]-^

   Bonus Points

|  Bonus Points                             |SW4|
| 50,000 Pts. and after every 70,000 Points |Off|
|*60,000 Pts. and after every 80,000 Points |On |

[Page 6 begin]
                    v---[sic; transposed " " and ","]
2. Dip Switch No. 2 ,continues

   Level of difficulty

|  Option      |SW5|SW6|SW7|
|Very Easy     |off|off|off|
| Easy -1      |on |off|off|
|  "   -2      |off|on |off|
|  "   -3      |on |on |off|
|Average       |off|off|on |
|Difficult*    |on |off|on |
|Very Difficult|off|on |on |
|Most Difficult|on |on |on |

|  Audio Attraction      |SW8|
|NO sound in attract mode|off|
| Sound in attract mode  |on*|

3. Dip Switch No. 3

   [sic; no table heading/name]

|Music Mode|SW1|
|Music Off |Off|
|Music On  |On*|

   * Denotes Normal Settings
