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Document Title: [NemesisMap.html (html file)]

Nemesis Memory Map
8Mhz MC68000. 
2 AY-3-8910 PSG: More sound. 
Z80A:J Used for sound. 

A memory map. 

       $00000-$3ffff: The rom. 
       $40000-$4ffff: Character ram + ObjJram (Character graphics and sprite
       $50000-$501ff: Scroll index per line for layer 1 low byte. 
       $50200-$503ff: Scroll index per line for layer 1 high byte. 
       $50400-$505ff: Scroll index per line for layer 2 low byte. 
       $50600-$507ff: Scroll index per line for layer 2 high byte. 
       $50800-$51fff: Dont know yet. 
       $52000-$52fff: Character ram. Layer 1. 
       $53000-$54fff: Character ram. Layer 2. 
       $54000-$54fff: Palette index for layer 1. 
       $55000-$55fff: Palette index for layer 2. 
       $56000-$56fff: The 256 sprites data area. 
       $5a000-$5afff: Palette area. As far as I can see the palettes are 16
       words each. 
       $5c800-$5c8ff: Io port area. 
       $5e000-$5e8ff: This looks like the YM-2203,I wonder what IRQJit's
       connected to. 
       $60000-$67fff: Work ram.