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Document Title: [Sprint2.txt (text file)]

Sprint 2 (Atari 1976)

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
on |   |       |   |   |         Oil              Oil slicks added to tracks
off|   |       |   |   |                          No oil slicks
   |   |       |   |   |
   |on |       |   |   |                          Displays only easiest track
   |   |       |   |   |                          during attract mode
   |off|       |   |   |         Cycle            Alternately displays all 12
       |       |   |   |                          tracks during attract mode
       |       |   |   |
       |on  on |   |   |         1 coin / player
       |on  off|   |   |         2 players / coin
       |off on |   |   |         2 coins / player
       |off off|   |   |         Free Play
               |   |   |
               |on |   |         Extended Play    Extended play 3/10 of time
               |   |   |                          set by toggles 7 and 8, if
               |   |   |                          player obtains pro rating
               |   |   |                          in normal play
               |off|   |                          No extended play 
                   |   |
                   |on |         Not Used
                   |off|         Not Used
                       |on  on   Time 150         Game time equals 150 seconds
                       |on  off  Time 120         Game time equals 120 seconds
                       |off on   Time 90          Game time equals 90 seconds
                       |off off  Time 60          Game time equals 60 seconds