PLEASE do not write a script to download everything here at once. It costs me money when this happens. Because this has happened a fair amount, your IP will be auto-blocked, and we now include random errors in a certain percentage of files when they are downloaded in massive quantity. Just don't do it.

Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist /, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

 Name   Size   Modified 
 M79block.tiff 63,738    2018-08-15 04:54:26Z
 M79intf.tiff 54,439    2018-08-15 04:54:26Z
 M79sheet1.tiff 46,304    2018-08-15 04:54:26Z
 M79sheet2.tiff 78,410    2018-08-15 04:54:26Z
 M79sheet3.tiff 69,795    2018-08-15 04:54:26Z
 M79sheet4.tiff 93,694    2018-08-15 04:54:26Z
 M79sheet5.tiff 89,407    2018-08-15 04:54:26Z
 M79sheet6.tiff 58,576    2018-08-15 04:54:26Z
 M79sheet7.tiff 114,721    2018-08-15 04:54:26Z
 M79sheet8.tiff 71,588    2018-08-15 04:54:26Z
 M79snd.tiff 95,885    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekCleanSweep1.tiff 228,218    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekCleanSweep2.tiff 222,554    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekCleanSweep3.tiff 224,218    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekHockey1.tiff 256,530    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekHockey3.tiff 300,418    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekSoccer1.tiff 295,090    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekSoccer2.tiff 262,642    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekSoccer3.tiff 256,002    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekStarCruiser00.tiff 101,770    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekStarCruiser01.tiff 107,282    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekStarCruiser02.tiff 102,034    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekStarCruiser03.tiff 95,594    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekStarCruiser04.tif 112,538    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekStarCruiser05.tiff 138,586    2018-08-15 04:54:28Z
 RamtekStarCruiser07.tiff 126,714    2018-08-15 04:54:30Z
 RamtekStarCruiser08.tiff 108,578    2018-08-15 04:54:30Z
 RamtekStarCruiser09.tiff 93,114    2018-08-15 04:54:30Z
 RamtekStarCruiser10.tiff 107,738    2018-08-15 04:54:30Z
 RamtekStarCruiserAud.tiff 116,026    2018-08-15 04:54:30Z
 RamtekStarCruiserPS.tiff 102,074    2018-08-15 04:54:30Z
 RamtekWipeOut1.tiff 265,236    2018-08-15 04:54:30Z
 RamtekWipeOut2.tiff 252,314    2018-08-15 04:54:30Z
 RamtekWipeOut3.tiff 210,890    2018-08-15 04:54:30Z

Due to abuse, all non-text files in the Knowledge base now require you to be registered and logged in .

All text files are still available to anyone at anytime.

If you have anything that fits here, please contribute. If you have a manual, and a scanner, consider scanning it. If you don't have a scanner, consider mailing it to us so we can scan it. We'll return it to you. Please read the contribution guidelines and contact me through the feedback form with your contribution.